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All Content by shuffman17

  1. UTA RN-BSN Reviews

    Hey everyone, I hope this thread is still active! I am an ADN nurse, currently working my way though the online RN-BSN program though UTA. I am seeking advice on which upper division nursing elective and upper division elective to take, yes, I need b...
  2. This is a forum for anyone applying to Brookhaven college ADN program for Spring 2018.What tips can you offer? Any challenges? How was the dosage calculation exam? Any tips for the critical thinking exam and the interview? How many points are you app...
  3. Baylor Scott and White Grad Nurse Residency - Summer 2019

    Nope, I never got invited to do one.
  4. Baylor Scott and White Grad Nurse Residency - Summer 2019

    Hi - update, myself and a group of classmates all received a denial via email this morning. Good luck y'all.
  5. Baylor Scott and White Grad Nurse Residency - Summer 2019

    Hi everyone! I applied soon after the application opened and I haven’t heard anything yet, from any location or specialty. I set my preferences for locations near far north Dallas. I understand the applications are under review until we hear otherwis...
  6. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Here's my cell, 832-266-7586. If you want, text me and I'll be able to send you screenshots of what info has been shared.
  7. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Don't forget to go join the FB group! Log into Facebook | Facebook
  8. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    It's January 16th! We should have success camp either January 8/9 or 9/10! Also, I think we get our class schedules a week or two before classes start!
  9. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Hey everybody, just wanted to let you guys know that I was excepted with 38.61 points! Congrats to everyone who made it, here's a link to the Spring ‘18 FB group. Log into Facebook | Facebook
  10. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    I'd call barb and see.
  11. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    This is officially the scariest Halloween yet.
  12. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Tomorrow it is. I was told denials are sent out in the morning and acceptance email early afternoon. *Hopefully, they don't make us wait until 4:55p*
  13. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    I really hope they don't make us all wait until tomorrow because I'm going crazy with all of this waiting.
  14. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Yes, it says tomorrow. We were all hoping for Friday or Monday because historically, they've been sent out before the posted date.
  15. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    It's possible they'll wait until Monday but I hope not!! I want us we to find out today!
  16. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Sorry, that was vague. "The door on the left" aka the same location where you turned in your application (X1082)... there are seats just after that door, I'm sure you'll see others waiting, if not, Barb (blonde) at the desk will be able to direct you...
  17. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Just walk in and take a seat on the seats immodestly after the door on the left, they'll escort you.
  18. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    I just wanted to wish everybody that is interviewing tomorrow good luck, I'm sure you all do well!!
  19. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Ain't that the truth! I'm hoping (kinda betting) that we will find out on a Friday or maybe Monday, but before Tuesday!
  20. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Yes, it is.
  21. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Before the interview your group will be taken into a room and y'all will be given a prompt, you've got 15 minutes to answer it. Once the time is up, you'll go to the skills lab where the interview is conducted.
  22. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    You'll do great! Good luck!!
  23. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Hi, congrats on getting to this step! I'm nervous too, freaking out actually. When is yours tomorrow? I'm at 10:15. Anyways, good luck!
  24. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    Alright y'all, I'm already torn on what to wear on tueaday. I know it's not THE most important factor but still.. any thoughts, advice or tips? What are y'all wearing?
  25. Brookhaven Nursing applicants - Spring 2018

    So that's half of those who have interviews won't get in? How does that work, like do you have more info? I ask because when I did my mock interview, the interviewer told me that it's rare for a person to bomb the interview - she said she's only know...