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All Content by poppyflower

  1. promotion from band 5 to 6

    ok, so i am band 5 working in pre operative assessment clinic - this is classed as a specialist area, as we work autonomously and have our own caseload of patients. Before i started they had a different matron, who i am lead to believe promoted all t...
  2. promotion from band 5 to 6

    thanks for your reply, and answering my question
  3. promotion from band 5 to 6

    thanks for your reply, but you didnt answer my question. Put simply, i am asking whether you can get a promotion from band 5 to 6 in the same department without having to apply, and go through an interview for it as level of education and skill incre...
  4. Who draws blood in hospitals in uk?

    depends on where you work, and whether taking blood is part of your role in your department. larger hospitals will have phlebotomists, community hospitals may not and then the nurses will be trained to take blood and cannulate.
  5. Coping skills for anxiety?

    i have been a nurse for 24 years, and last year i hit my limit with ward nursing - i was beyond burnout as well - and experiencing palpitations and anxiety. in fact, i felt as if my whole personality was changing, and i didnt like the person i was be...