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About bsngrad2be

bsngrad2be has 8 years experience and specializes in Pediatrics.

wife, mother, Pediatric Nurse on the cardiology floor since 2008, love my heart babies!

Latest Activity

  1. I'm drowning

    sewon16, I hope my experiences help you and just so you know, posting here and having the support system available has really been helpful and put my mind at ease so take advantage of it. I talked to...
  2. I'm drowning

    A_Simp, thanks for your post. I have a brain I'm working on too but if you want to post yours here, that would be great. I think the more information we have the better off we are. I worked this...
  3. I'm drowning

    rbezemek, I really like your 3 categories of organizing. I am going to try that on Saturday. I'm already dreading the weekend. I'm trying to stay positive, but jeesh! it's hard when all you do is...
  4. I'm drowning

    Thanks for your posts. I have been thinking about what Julielpn said, and you are right, I'm not drowning, I'm new. I need to give myself a break and a little credit for the things I do right. I...
  5. I'm drowning

    I am a new second career nurse, just graduated in August and passed NCLEX last week. I have been working on a pediatric CICU step-down for about 5 weeks. I did my capstone (internship) on a CICU...
  6. new grad straight to hospice

    Thank you so much. I've really been thinking about this today and I want to do the right thing for my patients as well as for my family. I had a thought that I can't get out of my head while cooking...
  7. new grad straight to hospice

    I am going to graduate soon and thought I wanted to go to the ICU-until today. Today I followed a hospice nurse as part of my clincial rotation and loved it. Loved it. I liked being able to take the...
  8. Rn Relocating To Shreveport!!

    Hi! We lived in Shreveport/Bossier several years ago and loved it. The food is outstanding and the people, for the most part, are very, very friendly. I had my son at WKBossier and couldn't have...
  9. Kalispell Regional Medical Center?

    I LOVE KALISPELL! Unfortunately, I don't live there but my Dad, 2 brothers and sister do. My husbands job won't transfer to that area so we are in the midwest which I also love but miss my family....
  10. Research College of Nursing/Rockhurst ??

    Hi there! I will be in your class as well! I'm very excited. Nervous about Patho tho. Did you go to the first meeting in Nov/Dec I think it was? Tim was there and he was telling us that Patho is...
  11. Anyone starting Research College of Nursing

    I talked to a friend of mine this morning who took him last semester for Morality in Healthcare and she said he wasn't her favorite but he wasn't the worst either. She said it's a pretty easy class...
  12. Anyone starting Research College of Nursing

    I haven't. I would really like to get on with OPRMC or Menorah if possible. I live close to both. I have a friend who is a PA and does rotations at Research and loves the hospital. Is that where...
  13. Anyone starting Research College of Nursing

    I'm taking him this semester as well, Morality in Healthcare or something like that. I haven't heard great things about him either. I have heard that if you miss even one class it could drop you an...
  14. Anyone starting Research College of Nursing

    Good luck to you! I'm jealous. I'm so ready to be done with all this pre-req crap and get on with it! Hey, did you take any classes with McInerny (sp?) at RU? I've heard he's, shall we say, moody?...
  15. Anyone starting Research College of Nursing

    I am entering the accelerated program in Aug '07! I am taking patho this summer along with Medical Ethics, Christianity I, and Human Development. I think I've lost my mind but I guess it's a good...