Published Feb 13, 2016
36 Posts
So I am scheduled to take boards on 02/17. I took Kaplan and I took Hurst. My QBank and Question Trainers range 55-60, and I got a 60.8 on Predictor A and 62 on Predictor B. In each test I usually have one subcategory under 50 and it's usually by one question and they are hardly ever the same categories. For Hurst I have taken to Test, I don't actually know that they call theirs, and first one I got 79 and second 73. I went through all my questions to see what I did wrong. I am rereading the Hurst Content book. I just want to know what else can I do. I am trying flash cards for meds but even the meds on these tests don't look familiar to me so I can only imagine NCLEX. I watch the content videos for Kaplan, and followed along in the book but for some reason my numbers aren't amazing. I just need help my test is in 4 days. What are some tips?
My friend is also letting me use his NCLEX 10000 for more questions and it's in level 8 and I get 50 percent.
Lev, MSN, RN, NP
4 Articles; 2,805 Posts
Have you gotten your hands on the LaCharity prioritization book? Still got a couple days left and those questions are golden.
I haven't but I will look into it.