Pregnant right after giving birth?


I know they say you can get pregnant again very easily right after having a baby.

With my first three I was so torn up it was a couple of months before I could even think of doing anything. But with this one I wasn't too bad, and the old man, well, it had been a long time. We've just sorta done it a couple of times, and now I feel the telltale fluttering, I have the telltale metallic taste in my mouth...I'm wondering if I will show up at my 6 week appointment and end up being some kind of spectacle - ol fertile Myrtle.

I'm curious to know if OB nurses have seen a lot of this (or maybe most people have better sense than to let that happen). I know the discharge instructions from the hospital said no sex for 6 weeks, but they also said no driving for 2 weeks, and out of necessity I was driving as soon as I left the hospital.

What kind of nincompoop shows up at their 6 week post partum check up pregnant?

After reading some responses, maybe it is an old wives tale a woman is especially fertile right after having a baby, I don't know.

I know it isn't a wise thing to do, but at the time I thought what the heck, what happens happens. Now, I'm worried about prolapsed uterus and malnutrition. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

And I always tell my OB patients, unless they want very close siblings, use reliable and consistent birth control methods every time they have sex after they go home. There are lots of so-called "nincompoops" who have babies less than a year apart. Some plan it that way, so the word "nincompoop" would hardly fit in any case. It happens all the time. However you phrase things, unless you want to be pregnant, you have to take precautions and start doing so now.

Specializes in nursery, L and D.

Yeah, thats true. Althought HCG level are usually under 5IU/L a couple of weeks after birth, the sensitive HPTs we have now could possible show a false pos. A beta hcg would be better, if it was in a high range, or doubled.

Oh sorry SBE, you just said that, lol.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Motorcycle Mama, I wish you the best. The bottom line is, you need to see a doctor/midwife if you feel you may be pregnant or for any question about your medical condition. Good luck.

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