I know they say you can get pregnant again very easily right after having a baby.
With my first three I was so torn up it was a couple of months before I could even think of doing anything. But with this one I wasn't too bad, and the old man, well, it had been a long time. We've just sorta done it a couple of times, and now I feel the telltale fluttering, I have the telltale metallic taste in my mouth...I'm wondering if I will show up at my 6 week appointment and end up being some kind of spectacle - ol fertile Myrtle.
I'm curious to know if OB nurses have seen a lot of this (or maybe most people have better sense than to let that happen). I know the discharge instructions from the hospital said no sex for 6 weeks, but they also said no driving for 2 weeks, and out of necessity I was driving as soon as I left the hospital.
What kind of nincompoop shows up at their 6 week post partum check up pregnant?
After reading some responses, maybe it is an old wives tale a woman is especially fertile right after having a baby, I don't know.
I know it isn't a wise thing to do, but at the time I thought what the heck, what happens happens. Now, I'm worried about prolapsed uterus and malnutrition. Maybe I'm just paranoid.