Published Aug 15, 2007
Nurse Somebody
23 Posts
Hi all! Just wondering if any one had any tips for working pregnant. I am about 3 months along with my second child. My first child is almost 12, and I thought I was done with all this stuff, LOL. I am an asthmatic, have PCOS, have no natural thyroid function, am morbidly obese, and had a section with the first one. I was told I would never have any children so I was thinking that the first one was it, and never took any BC afterward because I KNEW I didn't need it. I have been married for 20 years and never used BC, so i thought I was safe because I went through so much to get pregnant with #1 kid. I am thinking about vbac but am not sure I can with all my health issues....Anyway, does anyone have any tips on how to make it on my feet 8 hrs a day with this pregnancy? The first one I was not a nurse and had a desk job. I am already SOB after walking a good ways down the hall. I am worried about crushing meds all day (I work in LTC, lots of crushes), about pushing and pulling that old med cart up and down the hall, about lifting patients and the stress of it all. I cannot afford to gain much weight, so I need tips on keeping it down. I am still having a lot of nausea, and eating small light meals helps if I can find something that doesn't gag me on sight. Even with the nausea I have gained 9 pounds this month....maybe its the gingerale, IDK. No caffiene, no chocolate, very little sweets at all. Can't bring my self to eat a lot of veggies yet either. Lots of soup and crackers and milk so far. I am having pain along my c section scar, they tell me thats normal, but when I rub my belly I can feel the ridge (On the inside)where I was sutured back together. I can't help but think I am just being paranoid, but I am *ahem* of advanced maternal age now (42,LOL) and have to worry:lol2:. Thats what old biddies do I guess. The whole thing almost feels like some cosmic joke---not that I am not excited its just a little strange. All my siblings are grandparents and here I go. Oh well. Any tips anyone? Sorry about the long ramble.
283 Posts
Don't have much advice for you as I am only 29 and don't have any health conditions... Be careful and vigilant but don't stress yourself out. It sounds like you are letting all this stuff stew in your mind. Take it one day at a time, do what you feel like doing and enjoy your surprise! Congrats on the baby.:balloons:
PS with my daughter I worked 12 hour shifts on a private ambulance (aka legalized slavery) until a week before I delivered. I think it helped me to stay in shape for the birth. In other words do try to stay active... it may prevent you from having another c-section.
437 Posts
Congratulations on the pregnancy!Sounds like you are worrying a lot. Relax. Mother nature will take care of most of this pregnancy. Can empathize with morning( or all day) sickness as 27 years later I still remember that well. As far as working, pushing med carts should not be a problem. Lifting patients with assistance as long as the patient is not morbidly obese should not be a problem early on. When morning sickness is over eat a healthy diet, follow obgyns advice, stay active and enjoy. This child is a gift. Older women used to have children all the time before the advent of birth control. It was just a matter of course which is basically how you should see this one.
985 Posts
congrats on your pregnancy! My mother gave birth at 41 and now I have a 9 yr old little brother. Youll be fine, take care of yourself!! Its amazing....Good Luck!!
(sorry, no real advice here!)
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Hi and congratulations! :balloons:
I had a 40-something baby myself at 43. Big surprise. My older kids were 18, 16 and 12. And they were appalled. "Mom and Dad have sex????". :monkeydance:
I was not overweight. But it was still hard. I worked full-time from 0245 to 1515 and did a lot of overtime. My bp started to go up and so my doctor put me on disability for the last 2 months (thank you God).
I would have a frank talk with your ob/gyn about your weight and health issues.
As to your new baby, enjoy. My dh and I had mutual nervous breakdowns initially but I can tell you that he has been a blessing to all of us.
I never went back to work full time by the way - and I never will. Part-time is the way to go.
1,051 Posts
Congrats on the pregnancy. I wasn't a nurse but I worked in a busy restaurant with my second child. I worked up until 2 days before I hatched the egg. No health problems. Just stayed hungry all the time. The exercise during that time was great. All I did was walk 8 sometimes 10 hours a day!!!If you can go for it and gook luck. Also, take it easy and don't stress yourself out. I did have some days where I knew I was going to give birth behind bars. Again,GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
And they were appalled. "Mom and Dad have sex????". :monkeydance:I would have a frank talk with your ob/gyn about your weight and health issues. My dh and I had mutual nervous breakdowns initially
And they were appalled. "Mom and Dad have sex????". :monkeydance:
My dh and I had mutual nervous breakdowns initially