Pregnancy: Before or After Nursing School

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I recently decided that I wanted to go back to school to become a nurse, and then eventually move on to being a Certified Diabetes Educator. My husband and I have been discussing when to have kids for awhile (I'm 26, he's 28 and we've been married a year), but the nursing school has kind of thrown a wrench in the plans. After reading some threads, it seems like pregnancy in nursing school would be too difficult to manage, especially because I'm a type 1 diabetic myself and would need time off for extra doctors appointments.

I have about two years of pre-reqs to do. I got a BA in journalism, but I have nearly zero science credits so I have quite a bit to do at my local community college before I can even apply. My question then is would it be better to get pregnant before starting nursing school (while I'm taking my pre-reqs part-time and working full time) or should I wait until I've graduated and started working as a nurse (I need to two years of experience as a nurse as part of my qualifications to be a CDE).

I know that it's different for everyone, but given my situation, what are some thoughts? I've neither been pregnant nor been a nurse before, so I need some guidance. It's not so much a question of "Should I get pregnant?" or "Should I be a nurse?" but when is the best time to merge those two things? I don't want to wait forever to have children and at this rate, I won't be a nurse until I'm at least 30, if not over 30 if I don't get into nursing school right away.

OK, thanks for reading my novel! :)

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

I will tell you this-I am doing it and if I had a choice I would never ever choose to do it this way. I am so jealous of my classmates without children. My kids are older, I mean they are 5 and 3 but they're not babies is what I mean and its still that hard. On top of the stress, worrying about babysitting, sick babies, sleepless nights, and no study time you also have guilt. Anotehr hard part is that my class tries to do end of semester get togethers and study groups and I'm always left out. Most of my babysitting is used up for studying especially around end of semester and on top of it even if I had someone to watch them I really don't want to be away from them even more. Don't get me wrong, many people make it with kids and I am one of them, but my pregnancies were not planned and I just can't imagine ever choosing to try to get pregnant before or during nursing school. Why make your life that much harder when a couple years will fly by, and you'll be so busy they will, and you can start a career and start trying for a baby. My husband and I want 1 more but we are waiting.

I didn't plan to become pregnant during nursing school...but you know what is said about planning! I found out I was pregnant with my daughter around the end of the Fall semester of my second year, I was thrilled beyond words but also worried how it would effect my schooling. Being pregnant during classes and clinicals was not hard, my instructors were very helpful and willing to accomodate. Sitting in those tiny desks were not fun, I bascially had to become a contortionist to get in and out of them! I was due in August about 1 week before the new school year was to begin, but I still though I would be able to go back..I had talked to people and read posts on this site written who had done it and thought "Hey, I can too!" NO WAY! I felt like I was going wackadoo everyday from being so worn out with a newborn, there would have been no way I could even think about grasping information i needed to learn and retain. Plus my support system was lacking (it's there but not as much as I needed/still need) so that didn't help. I ended up taking a semester off and going from full time to part time. Even that was a struggle but it has gottten better the older and more independent she is getting. And I have learned to do only what I can handle and not overwhelm myself. I will finish, just maybe not as fast as I would like.

Your situation may be different, if you have strong support systems that can help you with the baby so you can finish classes I say go for it. I agree with other posters, something will always come up. Waiting for the "right" time for things to be "perfect" may never come. I wish you the best in whichever decision you make!

I'm in the same boat currently debating about having a baby during my last semester of nursing school when I start the program.

There is never a perfect time to have a baby, and there will always be reasons to delay. Just do it. (Says the mom of 5 who had a baby right before entering the program!)

Hi Justabitoff!

I know this thread is a bit dated but I am in the same position as you were in your post from 2012. I have been struggling trying to weight the pros and cons of children before or after nursing school, with no one to relate to, except for now! I am 26 and will be 27 by the time I am (hopefully) accepted into a nursing program. I've been engaged for 4 years, together a total of 11years, he is 29 yr old. I'm contacting you because I Would like to chat some more and chat about how and what you decided on, and how you are currently. We both really want kids, and we are financially stable enough to provide a good life. However, I am weary of the struggles of having children first, and taking a break, or even if I will return back to school after children. I'm torn and wish life came with a handbook sometimes!

Thanks! Hope to hear back for you soon!

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