

We were finally placed today, and it's starting to feel like school is almost over!!! :lol2: I ended up getting my first choice for unit (L&D) but at a hospital that wasn't even one of our six choices and on days instead of nights. Even though the drive is going to kill me, I'm excited about getting started. Now I just have to find daycare for my kids after school :uhoh3:

We have our final next weekend, and then we can start precepting!! As far as I'm concerned I'm done with school (in my mind at least) as soon as I pass that final. Precepting feels like it'll just be an extension of my orientation for my new career.

Has everyone else gotten placed... and if so, where are you going??

Whooohoooo, we're almost done!!!

Keli 7 days until the final!!!:lol2::balloons::roll

Specializes in NICU.

SO exciting!! :D

I LOVED my preceptorship and it's what made me decide to go into the speciality I'm in. And I learned a lot too, it was great! At the end of it (we did 144 hours, so 4 weeks) I actually cried because I didn't want it to end and hugged all the nurses, it was bittersweet.

Please keep us up to date and let us know how it goes!! :)

Specializes in Pediatric ICU.

I found out that I'm going to St. Joes in Couplet care. Not the hospital nor the specialty I asked for but it will be o.k. It's days!

One of my really good friends is going to couplet care at St. Joes, maybe you'll run into her!! You'll love it there!! I really love St. Joes, it's a great hospital. I just wish it were closer to my house!! We take our final this Sunday!!! I'm so excited to be done. My last day of clinical is tomorrow. I was working with a nurse today and she asked how much longer I had to go and I said, just tomorrow!!! She was so excited for me and said "I bet you just can't wait", I told her she has NO idea!!!

Remember when we were waiting to get placed? Seems like yesterday, but then it seems like forever ago.

Good luck everyone,

Keli....2 days to go!!!

Just wanted to update everyone on my preceptorship. My school had us do 9 shifts instead of 7, so I've got three more to do. I've already done 6 and will finish on Sunday. That means I'll be DONE on Sunday, no more tests (other than the BIG one), nothing, a full fledged new graduate nurse. I love the hospital I'm precepting in and would love to work there if it were closer, but it's actually the farthest hospital away from my house in the valley. Tucson might have been closer!!

It's weird to think that I won't see a lot of my fellow students again. We've been together for two years now, after the pinning ceremony we'll all go our seperate ways. I've been offered a job in L&D and can't wait to start. It'll be nice to finally have some sort of normal life again!!

Everyone else in their preceptorships, how did they go?


Specializes in Cardiac.

3 more shifts??? Holy Moly, I remember when you guys were all starting!


But, I must warn you---nothing normal about being a new nurse! You will feel normal again sometime around 2009....;)

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.
3 more shifts??? Holy Moly, I remember when you guys were all starting!


But, I must warn you---nothing normal about being a new nurse! You will feel normal again sometime around 2009....;)

i second that:) dont forget to give yourself time. dont get too down on yourself takes time;) Congrats all.

Specializes in NICU.

That's awesome, Keli!! I remember that feeling of being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You just want to be done with school and clinicals and jump in and start working ..... it's such an amazing time, I'm so excited for you! :)

I do agree though that there's nothing normal about being a new nurse. I've been a nurse for over 2 years and I still don't feel "normal"!

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