Published Jan 22, 2020
15 Posts
Hi all!
I am looking for the legal responsibilities for a nurse preceptor when orienting a new RN. My search terms are not giving me very good results. Any help is appreciated.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
As far as I know, there are none. She is an independently licensed RN.
1,592 Posts
None. They don’t work under anyone’s license. They work under their own license.
516 Posts
For the most part we are nurses and can't / shouldn't give legal advice. If you have concerns about your liability in the role of a preceptor you need to talk to your manager or HR and ask for their official policy or consult a lawyer. In the most general of terms as per my education as a nurse not a lawyer. The preceptor is a licenced RN and accountable for the care she provides or fails to provide. A new hire RN being orientating to any area is also a licensed RN and accountable to the hospital and the BON for any care that they provided or failed to provide. Degrees of accountability (blame) may depend on the exact situation but that really is outside of my scope.
If you are concerned that something has already happened that could jeopardize your job or your license i'd be seriously considering paying for some real advice from a professional that is representing me.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
What does your work policy say? And do you have malpractice insurance - if so, what do they say?
If the new RN administers something, make sure s/he signs that s/he did it (not that you did it).
1,486 Posts
There are no legal responsibilities outside of performing within your scope. The new nurse practices under her own license. If she makes a mistake, that is on her.