Published Aug 26, 2010
I know ive asked this before but how hard would it be to get a 4.0 in pre reqs or atleast a 3.7 at a community college
467 Posts
My teachers are horrible!!! What do you mean 3 hours per credit. If i have a 3 credit course i should study for 9 hours? A day or week???
143 Posts
When you say kill yourself studying what do you mean by that. Everyone says study hard and youll be fine, but what does study HARD mean? I just need an example of a typical day of studying.
I work full time so It might be different for someone else. I also took 8 classes this past summer. Here is my schedule for the first 6 weeks of this past summer.
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (work)
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (school; I get an extend lunch to attent school. fortunately school is right next to my Job.)
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (work)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM (drive other campus of school twice a week for 1st 6 weeks. 2nd 6 wees drive 4/week)
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM (Get something to eat. look over notes wait for class to start.)
6:00 PM- 8:30 PM (Class; I'm usually extremely tired at this point but I tell my self that it's worth it.)
8:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Drive home)
9:00 PM - 9:30 PM (Shower and rest)
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM (look over my online classes and study)
My day is usually over by then; however, if I have a test the next day, but that is only once a week for six weeks for anatomy one.
11:00 PM - 2:00 AM (time to cram for my next test. If not I fail the test. failing for me is a low B.)
2:00 AM - 6:00 AM (Sleep; make sure I set alarm if not I know I will not wake up.)
6:00 AM - 7:45 AM (Shower, eat, drive to work so that I can get there early to look over notes for test.)
7:45 AM - 8:30 AM (look over notes because I really want to get an A in the test.)
It was extremely hard but so worth it in the end. Same schedule for the second 6 weeks; however, instead of anatomy one, its anatomy two and its actully harder because instead of driving to school after work twice a week, I had to do it four times a week. Also, forget about weekends, its time to catch up on online classes. However, this is my last semester, I have extremely easy classes, except for micro and Thank GOD I only go on campus once a week for lab which is not so bad. At the end of the term I went from a 3.71 to a 3.60. But definately worth it since I wanted to graduate with my A.A. this december.
Kris what were you grades in high school. If you dont mind me asking
I had really good grades in highschool. I was sort of a nerd. Anyway, what helped me the most with my chemistry online class was that I had AP Chemistry (advance placement ) in highschool. I think my highschool GPA was a 3.9
I learned a great lesson early in college which helped me a lot. Use RATEMYPROFESSOR. It has been my lifeline. I graduated highschool in 2009, and I will graduate with my AA this december while working full time. I am extremely proud of that; however, I must say that RATEMYPROFESSOR had a lot to do with me having great teachers and a great GPA. Good luck.
1,118 Posts
That's what they say, per week. So a 3 credit course they will say you should study for 9 hours per week. I don't really know anyone who studies for 9 hours a week on every class though. English will likely be essay writing. We had no "tests" in English. So time was spent on homework.
You'll spend the most time studying on A&P.
Also, just because a teacher has some bad reviews on RMP doesn't mean they are horrible. I've had teachers that had bad reviews and they were great! Some students are just lazy and when the teacher doesn't hand everything to them on a silver platter, they complain. One student gave one teacher bad reviews because she wouldn't tutor them. She told them to get one of the free tutors at the school. Other students refused to write 100 words on the discussion boards and therefore got bad grades, so they gave the teacher a bad review.
If you truly have an issue with a teacher (like them being rude) then you report it to the Dean.
I will do my work and will study hard. I just hope i domt get lazy i only did well my last 2 years of high school when i matured. Kristou you are a trooper. I wish i had your work ethic. Even though you said you were a nerd in high school i rather be a nerd and get straight As then anything else.
Please make sure you do well. I'm sure you would hate to go back and wish you had done it differently. I know a lot of people who regrett not doing their best while there were able to.
79 Posts
What I mean is no playing around. I didn't watch T.V., I didn't IM, text, talk on the phone, go out, listen to music, slack off, or anything else for that matter. I made sure I had no distractions because retaining the information is key. I read my book, did the questions in the back of the book, and my book had a website where you had online tests, quizzes, tutorials, short answer questions, and I went online to other websites and did their quizzes, exams, matching, and fill in the blanks. I hope this helps.
3,445 Posts
My microbiology prof is a perfect example of this. I read her reviews on RMP and a lot of people ripped her apart, while a minority of students praised her. With such a mixed bag of reviews, I did not know what to think. Some students even noted in their reviews that she gives you a stupid look for asking questions. So, naturally I went into this class terrified of what to expect. Well, turns out she was excellent. She could not have made the class any more straighforward. I mean, micro is NOT by any means an easy course to teach and the material is quite dense, but she did indeed provide us with everything we needed to do well in her exams. I mean, seriously - people complained about the tests not matching up with what she taught us. Well, she provided us study outlines that we could download from the online classroom, and her lectures meticulously followed them. Also, she would provide us with those Powerpoint sheets with the lines next to the slides so you can use to take notes during lecture and presentation. I used everything she gave us and paid attention in class (never missed a class either) and got my A. We had 5 tests and in each one I had over 90. Despite what people were saying, there were no trick questions, they simply did not read or use the study guides! And as for the "stupid looks" people complained about, they were completely warranted IMHO, for instance ... one girl once asked (after a lengthy whispering conversation with her buddy in the next seat) if we were still discussing Gram-positive bacteria and the prof gave her a stupid look -- warranted because in big letters at the top of the Powerpoint behind her it said Gram-Positive Bacteria!! Anyway, I've learned to take RMP reviews now with a grain of salt.
Yes, you're still quite young and early in your educational career, I often wish I could turn the clock back 20 years and do things oh so differently! Now is my time to make things go the way they should have. Becoming a nerd does not mean you have to give up the things you enjoy, it just means you have to PRIORITIZE! In other words, if you have to study for a test scheduled for Friday, do you go out and get polluted and stinking drunk on Thurs night? NO! You study and relax (i.e., not cramming, this is assuming you have already been studying for days before, the night before should be simple review and winding down - and NO don't even bother opening the books right before the test, you're NOT going to learn anything new - you're better off walking in with your pencil and Scantron sheet and that's it ... a relaxed brain works better than one trying to cram it all in as the time ticks away to test time). If you wanna party on Saturday, DO IT! Then Sunday review for the next round of lectures and tests. Stay away from the distractions that take you away from your goal. This is what happened to me freshman year - I read, it made no sense, friends call, wanna go out, hell yeah, textbook thumps closed, stays closed for days. No no no ... don't be like I was, be like I am now!
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
I just graduated with my A.S. this spring with a 4.0. I have been out of high school for 20+ years and absolutely HATED it. I wish I had the drive and focus back then, that I do now.
My daughter started college early and I tell her to put her grades first, keep her eye on the end goal, keep herself organized and she'll do fine. So will you.
Good luck!
Now i have to do well I will try my best for you guys. Im probably going to ask you guys about study habits next month. Im not usually the go out type.Theres nothing to do in my town. Its just that im really bad at concentrating especially reading long paragraphs. I was told to eat well and take breaks, but i would like to know how you guys did it. Especially the person that said they didnt text im or watch tv. I dont really go out but i do text and use the internet alot.
I am really bad with the net, especially Facebook. To combat this, I close everything out until I have what I need to get done, finished.
One tip that helped me a lot when I was taking 6 classes last semester, was to make a spreadsheet. I took everything I needed to do, such a discussions, tests, assignments, etc. and put them into a spreadsheet along with the due dates. I then ran a date sort and viola! I have a chronological list of things to do. Then I just worked my way down the list, checking off as I went along. It helps to have something like that when you hit the 3/4 hump and don't feel like doing it anymore. It keeps you focussed and moving forward.