Pre nursing student gpa good enough in 2013?!


Hi all, I am currently a student at a university in Florida. My university gpa is a 3.8 while my over all gpa is a 3.6. I only have 9 credits from outside of my university. I am wondering if I could ever get accepted to nursing school with this. I have a 100% in both statsitcs and in chemistry! (Worked very hard) and I want to become a CRNA eventually! Is my gpa good enough to get me accepted???

You've got to contact the programs you're interested in to see if you're competetive. The challenge is that you're competing against the other applicants for a limited number of spots.

My guess is that you have a decent chance academically, but every program uses different criteria to rate applicants. Since it costs money to apply to nursing school, I'd definitely meet with an advisor first.

Specializes in ICU.

It all depends on the program. My school goes off a points system and only looks at certain classes and Teas while others look at the whole GPA and Teas and others just look at sciences and Teas. I would definitely meet with your advisor and see where you are at.

My overall GPA was 3.2, but I did really well in my prereqs. I got in through a hospital sponsorship program (to a community college). It didn't cost money for me to apply.

Depends on the school

Where I am from, 2.0 is the minimum. As long as you have that GPA and have completed all pre reqs and co reqs and are in one of the three counties that get preference in the selection process you are good.

Most university's have a nursing program manual in which the entrance requirements are listed. It depends on the college or university. My university's requirements was a 2.5 gpa to get in, and you must have passed all of the nursing pre-reqs to get in. My advice is to just look up your school's nursing student manual.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Oncology.

I have reviewed requirements for many programs through my research and application process and I think your overall GPA is strong. As others pointed out much will also depend on your GPA in science prerequisites specifically, but sounds like you have a great start with Chem and Stats.

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