Published Mar 4, 2011
3 Posts
I'm new to the site and need help figuring out what pre-req classes to take for Fall 2011, so I need some advice:uhoh3:
My advisor wants me to take anatomy and physiology in the same semester and these are separate courses. Since anatomy and physiology are both intense classes would it be wise to take them together? If they are could I take anatomy first with microbiology and some general ed classes. I plan on working this semester so what do you all recommend? Also I'm trying to get accepted into my school's nursing class of Fall 2012. I really need help, because I'm very confused about what to do:o
lifelearningrn, BSN, RN
2,622 Posts
Anatomy and Physiology 1 was a prerequisite for Micro at my school- so I'd probably take them together (they compliment each other) and take Micro with other gen eds the next semester.
45 Posts
It depends... how have you done in science-related classes in the past? If you DO choose to take them both at the same time, make sure that the rest of your classes that semester are not a heavy load. They will require lots of time devoted to studying.
I agree with mjmoon - the 2 courses compliment each other, which is usually why they are combined into one class. So if you can handle it, I would definitely recommend knocking them out in one semester :)
245 Posts
I took anatomy, physiology, micro, pharmacology and a GE class all together, in one horrible semester. It's doable (I did well) and I got accepted into a nursing program. Just plan ahead! Look up your profs on ratemyprofessors. If you wanted to separate the classes out, I would take anatomy before physio. Party hard, study harder. Good luck.
Thanks for your replies I'm going to take Anatomy one semester and Physiology the next semester with Microbiology and other gen.ed classes.
54 Posts
Personally I think your advisor is on crack for telling you this!! What awful advice. I am in anatomy currently along w math and psych and it is intense!! You really need the anatomy to understand the physio. do not take them together...its suicide!! anatomy takes up every bit of my time outside school, i cannot imagined working on top of it!! good luck whatevr u decide but that is my advice to is more importanr u get as high of grade as possible, and be less concerned with the speed. seems your advisor has little regard for what is best for you and your chances of getting in your nursing program.
chicagoing, ADN, RN
489 Posts
Should you take anatomy and physiology together? It depends.
The community college at which I take classes combines anatomy and physiology into two courses: A&P I and A&P II, 8 semester hours total.
When I was at the university, anatomy and physiology were separate courses. Most students would take anatomy in the fall and physiology in the spring (again, 8 semester hours total).
If your situation is the latter, I would not take them together with another science class like micro unless you feel confident with your abilities to excel in the sciences.
@kbucksn that's exactly what I thought, because it will be my first science course, and I want to get the highest grade possible to be able to compete with the other nursing students to get into the program. And I've heard from friends that it's intense, and she does wants me to get through the program too quickly. But I want to do my best even if it means graduating one year later that I was expected to graduate, because nursing is a serious job. Thanks for your advice and I will do the best I can to get them to be separated into taking anatomy in the fall and physiology in the spring.