Pre NS anxiety/cold feet!


Hi everyone, I don't know if I need a pep talk, or my but kicked, or just to write this out... I can't help but feeling really, really anxious these past couple of days. Now that I've been accepted (I am super, super happy), I'm finally registered, locker reserved, paid, so now it's really official!:D I'm now a nursing student! (the last major things I have left to do is finish my medical forms/TB tests/HepB shots and get some more books and some new clothes/shoes).:)

So, now that's it's official... I'm sitting, staring at my schedule, and freaking out... I'm excited but so anxious, and nervous! I'm freaking out, "it's really happening" I'm going to nursing school, I'll be a RN, this is really happening, I'm I really going to get through this? Am I really gonna make it?... :uhoh3::eek:

Is this normal? I'm I getting cold feet? I don't doubt for a second my desire to be a nurse:nurse:, I'm just so nervous and anxious... Orientation is in 20 days, school starts in 28 days!!!!!!!!! :eek: I've waited for so long, did my prereq's, blah, blah, blah, and now it's really happening, OMG!!! Am I really up for it? What have I got myself into? I need to survive NS! "this is the first day of the rest of your life" kinda thing... Anyone else feels this way? :confused:

It feels a bit better when I got it off my chest, any advice on how to keep the anxiety under control? :clown:

Thanks for reading.

Specializes in student; help!.

I kinda figured. Man alive, I never knew what it was like to fall asleep in less than an hour. I could get used to this.

I'm a little freaked out by the few small things I have to do yet, but not about classes. I guess I'm concentrating on things I do have control over, and since they're not all done yet, I can wig on them for now.

Good luck to all of us! We can do it! Yes we can!:D

Keep thoughts like above in the forefront and do your best to avoid dwelling on negativity. It will help.

Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

Also, try not to see things as black and white. If it helps any, nearly all of my students have failed a quiz or an assignment at some point, and yet they still pass and make great nurses. The key is to not fail over and over. If you have a bad grade, make sure you know why so you won't make the same mistake again. We all make mistakes, and no one is perfect. If you give yourself permission to do your best without trying to be "perfect" or know it all, a lot of stress will be avoided.

Thanks for the help. I'm so thinking with only a couple weeks to go, that I must prepare for something else. Read chapters. Learn xyz. ... spend time with my family. All so nerve wracking, going into nursing school.:devil:

Ambien is my new best friend. Does that count?

LOL!!! i recently got ambien too!!! i start school in 10 days!!! yikes!!!

You will be fine and you will look back at what you thought were some of the toughest times in your life and think "wow that was so much fun." I graduated in June this year and still waiting to take the NCLEX and believe it or not I miss class, the people there and the hospital. I worked full time and went to school and clinicals at night. Dont get me wrong - its hard. I was one of the folks who barely passed. Keep in mind anything less than 80% is failing. Thank god for tenths of points is all I have to say.

You are going to do great. The time will fly by and 2 years from now you will be handed that diploma and you will feel awesome. You just have to give up this time now. Study everything they tell you to but dont forget to laugh and have fun. Good luck you are going to be great. I still cannot believe I did it and I'm 44.

For me this is not just nursing school but at 42 years old I'm changing careers. I'm not getting any younger so I need to do this now.

I finally got in after searching for 18 years for a program I can do in the evening and weekend. I'm nervous because I've been working desk jobs in corporate America and in the last 10 years accounting. Now I'm going into a field at my age that is physically demanding. Plus I have to keep working full-time to pay mortgage and expenses that are pretty much fixed so I will be doubly stressed with work and school. But it's only for 16 months so I know I can do anything for 16 months. I'll just have no life beyond work, school and homework. My son is college age himself so at least I don't have to worry about a husband and kids to nurture.

Specializes in ICU.

Five days. I have 5 days. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it.

Specializes in student; help!.
LOL!!! i recently got ambien too!!! i start school in 10 days!!! yikes!!!

I find that if I go to bed when I hit my first wall, around 7, I can go to sleep easily and do well all night. If I pass that, I need meds. So yeah, I need to go to bed before my kids. I'm ossim.

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