Published Nov 21, 2016
Ms Petite 93
250 Posts
Hi everyone! I just needed some input as to how I can be the best student for my preceptor. My first day of preceptorship I felt overwhelmed with the information presented before me ..I felt inadequate that day. It came off to a bad start when I came 20 min earlier before the shift to look up patients ED report, PMH, labs, and medication. My login wasn't working correctly and I was only able to do all of that on one patient and obtained report about all of the patients. I just wish I was more prepared so that didn't come off to a good start, plus I had a 12 hour working shift the day before that drained everything out of me. I passed my meds competently, did my own vitals, and assessment.
My preceptor told me she could tell I was nervous and stressed out. She said if she noticed I didn't do something I was supposed to she would've let me know. She proceeded to tell me her own experience as a brand new nurse, what to watch out for in nclex, and that I won't be able to know and do everything until I'm a nurse myself. Sometimes I feel like I'm setting too high of an expectation for myself ? I want to show initiation and drive and I feel like I'm not doing enough. I work as a student tech as well and find that helps me with patient care. Can you guys let me know what you think of this situation, your interpretation and what else I could do to show my preceptor that I'm doing my 100% best and making sure that my patients are safe ?
Ive talked to my nurses who have told me that I needn't not to worry that I'm brand new and preceptorship is all about learning and being safe that is all. The preceptor I have now, I've had her for two days in a clinical rotation and she's always commented that I'm a knowledgeable student and that I do a good job. She's rated me 5 stars twice on my evaluations. I just have the worst fear that I'll fall short and have a bad evaluation just days before my graduation. And I know on that day she asked me well what do you want to do today? And told me we'd focused on more things later on. It's also a short preceptorship too only a weeks worth. Thank you so much for your input !!
117 Posts
What I think of your "situation"? YOU NEED TO RELAX!
You are getting in your own way. Your preceptor's only criticism of you was that you seem stressed and nervous...that means you really need to calm down. Seriously, just reading your post is making me anxious!
Yoga, meditation, healthy sleep habits, mindfulness, nutritious diet, adequately preparing for the next day, deep breathing, chamomile tea, listening to music, consistent exercise, all of these are things you can practice to help you be a less stressed person.
Thank you Andrea, you are right. I do need to calm down and I will work towards being more calm and letting things flow naturally.
360 Posts
Geeze, I'd think coming in 20 minutes early would excite them. Just do not be 1 minute late or they go nuts.
Nature_walker, ASN, BSN, RN
223 Posts
The fact that you showed up early to prepare would impress me. Your preceptor gave you good marks, if she didn't think you were doing well I think she might have spoken to you already before saying your performance was 5 stars. Sounds like you are just very anxious to do well and show her that you are committed. Just relax and enjoy all the experiences. Be open to whatever comes you way and remember to breath!