Potential employee and what to bring to interview

Nurses Job Hunt


Specializes in Medical Oncology, Alzheimer/dementia.

Is it normal for HR to ask for official college transcripts or degree, and copy of last performance eval from a current/most recent job?

I hadn't interviewed in over 10 years, and felt that it was a little invasive to ask of a potential candidate in the 1st interview. But I've been out of the loop for long, and didn't know if that was standard these days. As much as I wanted the job, I was uncomfortable giving such telling info to HR.

I did what they asked, and was offered the job. I still want to know what you all think.

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.
Specializes in Emergency; med-surg; mat-child.

I've never had to bring those things. That should be the job of the potential employer, especially given the odds someone, eventually, will fake the paperwork.

Those requirements have been standard for awhile now. HR also does a background check, a credit check and a pee check.

Nothing is invasive in this job market.

I've never had to bring those things. That should be the job of the potential employer, especially given the odds someone, eventually, will fake the paperwork.

My philosophy is.. when life gives you lemons.. make lemon vodka.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
I hadn't interviewed in over 10 years

A lot has changed in those 10 years. There probably was a real nursing shortage in 2002 where nurses, even new grads, could walk into a hospital and write their own ticket. At any rate, I'm sure the economy and job outlook for nurses was better back then, even post-9/11.

Nowadays, there is no nursing shortage. Between the glut of nurses looking for work, the bad economy and the downsizing of jobs, both new grads as well as experienced nurses are having a hard time finding work. Employers know this and know they can cherry-pick candidates to their heart's content, because there's plenty of applicants to choose from.

So they raise the bar higher. And if we want the job, then we have to clear the hurdles.

Perhaps I'm used to it since I started in nursing right after the nursing job market went south in 2008...so to me all of this hoop-jumping is the norm and I'm not bothered in the least. I'm sure it catches those who haven't had to deal with it before by surprise.

But that's how it is nowadays. Just because you never had to bring those documents before doesn't mean you'll never need to.

Congratulations on the job!

Specializes in Emergency; med-surg; mat-child.
My philosophy is.. when life gives you lemons.. make lemon vodka.

I've been making rosemary lemonade. THEN I add the vodka. Priorities, man.

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