Poll about bullies at work.

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Bullies at work.

    • 7
      A culture of gossip exists at my work.
    • 1
      Scapegoating occurs at my work.
    • 4
      People are humiliated in public at work.
    • 1
      People are given the "silent treatment" at work.
    • 14
      People are talked about behind their backs at work.
    • 0
      "Dirty looks" are given at my work.
    • 6
      Management has failed to address bullying at work.
    • 4
      People have quit because of bullying at work.
    • 1
      I worry about bullies at work.
    • 8
      Bullying impacts physical and emotional health.

46 members have participated

I am committed to having positive and fulfilling workplace environments where we can contribute and be contributed to.

I need statistical evidence about "bullying" and would greatly appreciate your participation in this poll.

All answers are True or False. (Add your own comments and/or experiences if you like). I will post you the outcomes.

I hope that these questions will help you identify bullying at work.

Thank you all. Lynne, RN

#1) A culture of gossip exists in my workplace.

#2) I feel unsafe when bullying occurs at work.

#3) Management does not address bullying tactics at work.

#4) Being excluded from what's going on occurs in my workplace.

#5) Public humiliation occurs at my workplace.

#6) "Dirty looks" and the "silent treatment" occur at my workplace.

#7) Bullying has long term effects on physical and emotional health.

#8) There are "scapegoats" in my workplace.

#9) My Job satisfaction and preformance have been diminished by being a

victim or witnessing bullying behaviors.

#10) Bullying has made people quit in my workplace.

If the choice...ALL OF THE ABOVE would have been there, I would have chosen it.

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

"I know bullying goes on in all kinds of business. But, I see it most in Healthcare (especially hospitals). Any thoughts about that?"

My first thoughts are in any commission type of retail sales!!!!!! OH my, I use to do retail clothing sales before nursing, and I worked at a pet shop too (I really wanted to be a vet..LOL!). OH the competition was high, lots of bullying!!!! Wow, maybe that prepared me for the stuff I get in nursing..LOL!

But I think the gossip mills in nursing is far greater than any field I have worked in..and may even go beyond the political market too....LOL! Boy, I have never been one for gossip...and avoid it like the creeping crud, but sometimes you hear it and can't help but to evesdrop..LOL! (but people know that I am a total 'hear it don't say it' kind of gal...after hearing so much about patients, I just don't tell anyone what I hear at all!).

And cliques...oh my cliques! It is like warping back to high school, but with everyone having a degree! LOL! Even our lunch room has 'their tables' that certain cliques gather, and gossip! The jelously thing is very alive and kicking like it was back then, and every clique has their top B! LOL, and just like in high school, I am with some down to earth strong speaking folks that are considered to be not so popular but don't mess(and suprisingly, being my cliques supervisor..I am not top B...LOL!)! LOL!!!!! If I didn't have the whole RN degree..I wouldn't think I ever left! LOL!!!

But it is like I said...I choose my daily battles well and focus my energy on the ones that deal with patients first...I find them to be the challenges that get me thinking, creative, and down right crafty to gain the desired results..and much more fun than telling a bully to knock that 'stuff' off! And the results with patients usually is much more rewarding :)...

Oh yeah, and call me Tri or Triage...it is kinda funny but that is my actual nick name!!!!!! (since I was a camp nurse for 6 months (24/5 on location 3 hours from home) out of the year for 3 years...I started responding to that more than my real name..LOL, it stuck! My best friends call me Triage even! LOL! Mainly because I triage their medical and social probelms for them ALL THE DARN TIME..LOL!).


"I know bullying goes on in all kinds of business. But, I see it most in Healthcare (especially hospitals). Any thoughts about that?"

My first thoughts are in any commission type of retail sales!!!!!! OH my, I use to do retail clothing sales before nursing, and I worked at a pet shop too (I really wanted to be a vet..LOL!). OH the competition was high, lots of bullying!!!! Wow, maybe that prepared me for the stuff I get in nursing..LOL!

But I think the gossip mills in nursing is far greater than any field I have worked in..and may even go beyond the political market too....LOL! Boy, I have never been one for gossip...and avoid it like the creeping crud, but sometimes you hear it and can't help but to evesdrop..LOL! (but people know that I am a total 'hear it don't say it' kind of gal...after hearing so much about patients, I just don't tell anyone what I hear at all!).

And cliques...oh my cliques! It is like warping back to high school, but with everyone having a degree! LOL! Even our lunch room has 'their tables' that certain cliques gather, and gossip! The jelously thing is very alive and kicking like it was back then, and every clique has their top B! LOL, and just like in high school, I am with some down to earth strong speaking folks that are considered to be not so popular but don't mess(and suprisingly, being my cliques supervisor..I am not top B...LOL!)! LOL!!!!! If I didn't have the whole RN degree..I wouldn't think I ever left! LOL!!!

But it is like I said...I choose my daily battles well and focus my energy on the ones that deal with patients first...I find them to be the challenges that get me thinking, creative, and down right crafty to gain the desired results..and much more fun than telling a bully to knock that 'stuff' off! And the results with patients usually is much more rewarding :)...

Oh yeah, and call me Tri or Triage...it is kinda funny but that is my actual nick name!!!!!! (since I was a camp nurse for 6 months (24/5 on location 3 hours from home) out of the year for 3 years...I started responding to that more than my real name..LOL, it stuck! My best friends call me Triage even! LOL! Mainly because I triage their medical and social probelms for them ALL THE DARN TIME..LOL!).

Hi Tri:

Just came back from Peter Druckers Alumni Celebration and his Birthday (now 95).

Have u read any of Druckers books?

He is called the "Father of Management." His contribution to me is enormous. Really would like u to read his works, if u haven't already done so. The first book I read was "The Essence of Brucker."

He really revolutionized Leadership and Management theory. For me personally, he talks about management styles that are based on Contribution, creating Teams, Staff Devedlopment, Industries going fromthe bottom to up, rather from the top to bottom, and Industries/ Enterprises role in contributing to society.

I heard him talk today. He is so gracious. Like, it is not about him at all, but for his Mission in Life. He is a hero!

When u speak of the enormity of bullys in the Healthcare Field, I totally agree. (though, as I have said before, bullys occur in businesses in general).

I am confounded by the huge prevelence of harassment and bullying that occurs in the Healthcare Industry. Probably a great study by anyone who needs to write a paper for their MS or PhD.

I really do not understand it.

My experience has been in the Healthcare Industry, so maybe I am more attuned to whats going on there...I don't really know the answer yet, but I am totally commited to making a difference for us.

I have begun a not-for-profit, which will address this issue.

Things have to change and the time is NOW!

I, as u, have read the many posts from Nurses who have been abused in their workplace. So sad. So devestating for people who got into the field because they really care and want to help people. So many Nurses who quit because of this problem. So many Nurse-Students who become so disallusioned because of mis-treatment. (ala Mandi). So many Nurses, who are basically caring people who think the way to deal with this issue is by developing "thicker skins" and who sacrifice (in my opinion) their sensitivity and desire to really make a difference for people.

I want to thank u so much in, what I perceive, a partner in altering the toxic environment that Nurses live in.

Within a week or two, I should have a web-site up and running. Look for me at "workplace bully.net/.org".

Am to looking forward to your continued feedback participation.


Bullies:angryfire ANYONE HEARD OF EEOC?


You're right to keep your mind on the patient. Because that's who ultimately gets hurt! When you're being bullied in nursing

it might cause a fatal med error. Report it!

A culture of gossip exists at my work.

Scapegoating occurs at my work.

People are humiliated in public at work.

People are given the "silent treatment" at work.

People are talked about behind their backs at work.

"Dirty looks" are given at my work.

Management has failed to address bullying at work.

People have quit because of bullying at work.

I worry about bullies at work.

Bullying impacts physical and emotional health.



I feel that if even one of these applies, many or all do. So all of the above! For example, say there is constant gossiping, this means that people are being talked about behind their back and you know what is said: if someone is back-stabbing someone else, they're doing the same to you

This leads to humiliation because someone is going to catch wind of the fact that they are the topic of the gossip. That in turn presents this person as a "scapegoat". The "scapegoat" will feel bullied. It is only human nature to feel that others are against you or don't like you if you are the topic of their gossip. Looks will be exchange, but how they are interpreted are purely subjective, but I am sure for the most part, they won't be smiles. People will then go out of their way to ignore one another, hence the silent treatment.

Someone will finally get fed up and go to the management. Management may say they will try to do something, but the problem is often beyond control. Bullying continues and someone will finally be so unhappy and hurt, they will quit.

All around physical and emotional health is adversely affected.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

This is a long post, but I hope it helps anyone in this situation:


I know bullies. Well. I was a HUGE target for school and workplace bullies at earlier points in my life. (under about 25 years old). I had to learn that is was not about ME, but the other person and his or her intense desire for control over me and every situation.

I was born to bullying and abusive parents and hence thought it was "normal" to be bullied by others I perceived to be bigger, older, more knowledgeable or powerful. I have since learned not to allow it and anyone who knows me at work or otherwise (as small as I am)---knows I will NEVER stand for anyone harassing or pushing me around. I don't have to be aggressive to get that point across, either. But I am assertive. No one bothers me now-----no one picks on me or puts me down. They may not like me, but they know I will never allow myself to be treated with anything less than respect.

You know, I see a lot of people pushed around and it breaks my heart---some people I know intimately--- and I work to teach them to stop it for once and all. Eleanor Roosevelt was right: "We DO teach others how to treat us". It really IS that simple, at the end of it all. I have learned that for myself! And self-esteem plays a huge role, so if you lack it or are clinically depressed, I really urge you to get counseling and work on that. Many who are depressed or down on themselves are easy targets for bullies of all sorts. They are like "bully magnets", really. In the end, you can only change one person: YOURSELF. And you may not be able to change a toxic work environment, so for your emotional health, you may be forced to move on to one that is not so dangerous. I just urge anyone who suffers this to start today, to make changes---- if you are repeatedly bullied or harassed by anyone.

I have posted below an excellent resource that discusses bullying at all levels: in the home, at work, in the schoolyard, etc. I have found it to be an excellent reference for my friends and aquaintances who are bullied, harrassed, belittled or feel threatened in any situation, (not just at work).

It really comes down not letting the bully have power over yourself, in the end. You have to stand up for YOURSELF, after all is said and done. And know there ARE resources out there to help you on your way, if you are being harassed or threatened in any way at work or at home. You DO have legal recourse as well.


Go there to find positive and helpful information and references to books, tapes, seminars, etc. that discuss/address dealing with bullies of all types. I hope this helps those who are on the unfortunate receiving end of bullying. Or if your kids are---this may help them, too!

**I posted the above in the General Nursing Discussion forum; this is a duplicate of that information. Hope this helps those who are bullied, harassed or feel they work in a hostile or toxic work environment------or are bullied at home/school. :kiss

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