Polk State College January 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello people! Since no one has begun a thread for those that have applied or intend on going to Polk State College beginning January 2016, let's use this as a forum for questions and meet other students prior to starting.

They use both of those GPA's (the overall GPA & the program GPA) to find your total points though

Hey guys! Is anyone else feeling super anxious? 😁 I for one have been checking the mail ever since the application date ended (I know..a bit dramatic) but I just want to know already!

I'm going crazy over here. I'm hoping we at least hear something by Friday. :smug:

Yes! I'm losing my mind! I've been checking previous threads to see when their letters were sent out. It seems like almost 2 weeks after the deadline ends is when the letters are sent out. So I think we have about another week. Lol. Kntotres, if you don't mind, what did you apply with?

3.2 overall GPA and a 3.4 GPA in my prerequisite. I got a 72.2 in the Teas, I also have an AA but I'm very nervous because I know my Teas score isn't that great but we shall see! *crossing fingers*

I sent an email (I couldn't resist 😁) & I was informed that the applications are still being processed by the registrars office and that it would take about 2 weeks for us to get notified.

Ok cool! I hate that we don't have a definite date to when they will be sent out! How did you find your course gpa? There's like 3 different ones on passport. The advisor told me it was on the degree audit but I heard different from other students.

I'm assuming it's the same one that's on my transcripts. I haven't gone to passport to check because I'm new to Polk State so I'm not familiar with their website.

Wow...2 weeks? That seems like it's going to be cutting it close to the orientation date. This wait is horrible. Also, when I spoke to Dr. Hutcherson she said they take your program GPA straight from the pre-reqs, meaning they would just add all your grade points together and divide by the number of classes.

Hey guys! I applied to the spring 2016 program also. It seems that you all have amazing scores, when I calculated my score I was at 110.75... I am hoping it's good enough.

Specializes in Oncology, Transferring to L&D.

Dang 2 weeks is a long time!! You would think that we would at least find out a week ahead of time, not the same week of orientation. Especially for people that work and need to take that day off!! From what I read on previous threads from this fall and last spring, it seems like the letters were going out about a week and a half after the deadline so people were finding out about 2 weeks after the application period ended. I'm still hoping a letter comes next week and still will be checking my mailbox! Lol.

Its only been a week since the application deadline so hopefully by next week they start sending out letters. If anyone is willing to ask next week I wouldn't mind lol ☺️

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