Polk state college Fall 2021

Polk state college fall 2021 applicants Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys! 

My name is Chris. I wanted to start this thread because I am interested in applying for nursing school at Polk state college for the fall 2021 semester.Everyone feel free to drop your stats (pre. Req GPA, overall GPA, TEAS score, and total points).I’m currently sitting at a 70% on the TEAS but definitely looking into retaking it to score higher.  I look forward to hearing from everyone as time goes on! ?

Yes, mine says the same.

35 minutes ago, Chrisjamal94 said:

Hey y’all, does anyone’s application in etrieve say ended under the status bar? 

Mine says ended as well. I’m wondering if that just means it’s been processed? 

17 hours ago, Janice Jenkins said:

Mine says ended as well. I’m wondering if that just means it’s been processed? 

MIne doesn't say this? At least where I am looking... where did you see this, in your Polk email?

2 minutes ago, Ashley Wilson said:

MIne doesn't say this? At least where I am looking... where did you see this, in your Polk email?

Mine says this in etrieve. It sent me a confirmation email and turned from processing to ended. 

Just now, Tia Cobbett said:

Mine says this in etrieve. It sent me a confirmation email and turned from processing to ended. 

OK, I see it in mine! Thank you. 

Hi Everyone! I applied today with an overall and prereq GPA of a 3.5 with a TEAS test score of an 86.7. I believe this puts my points at 123.5 with an AA degree giving an extra 2 points. I hope this is high enough to get in! Good luck to everyone!

Hey everyone! I'm so nervous to hear back. I'm hoping to at least make it as an alternate. Does anyone know if decisions are by mail or email this year?


3 hours ago, Swaggieshay said:

Hey everyone! I'm so nervous to hear back. I'm hoping to at least make it as an alternate. Does anyone know if decisions are by mail or email this year?


Not sure if it’s mail or email. But I know the last couple acceptances were email. So possibly the same. Hopefully they send out acceptances ASAP. Good luck everyone!

I did some research... I looked up "Polk State College Fall 2020 Hopefuls" on allnurses and read through everything. Their application period was June 15-30 and they began to receive acceptance emails on July 10. So, that was about a week and a half. It's been 3 days for us haha

I'm bound to become more and more anxious as the next week rolls by.

An email was sent out today stating that acceptance letters will be sent via email around June 25th. There’s other info in the email so be sure to check you Polk email.
Good luck everyone! 

Hi guys! Just found this thread! It’s been SO lonely because there’s no facebook groups really for Polk students. I've been doing all this preparing alone haha. I applied to the Fall 2021 nursing program. I’m currently in my last two pre/corequisites. I knocked out most stuff during my previous Bachelors degree. Is anyone else in a&p2 or human development? ? I took the TEAS in March. Got an 82.5. Wasn’t thrilled and tried to retake it but got a worse score. The word usage section was kicking my butt ? I just hope my GPA and previous degree helped me out in points. If not I guess I’ll try for Spring! Hope we all hear something soon and look forward to getting to know you all! 

Hey! I know I’m super late to the party but I wanted to leave a link here for a GroupMe for hopeful Polk State nursing students! There’s no facebook groups or anywhere but here to communicate and I thought it would be cool to connect with some people ? 

You're invited to group 'Polk State Nursing Fall 2021' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/68955592/GRecfn4r

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