PNAP change testing company


Specializes in Med/Surg.

Apparently I was one of the first nurses In PA who got this letter :rolleyes:. why me grrr.anyway the lab is called recovery trek labs. It is a little more complicated. Cannot call in until 1am and you have to bring in your own lab slips, which are initially provided and then have to be reordered monthly or whenever you get close to running out. More paper work I have to be accountable for (yikes time to get organized). Also I called, and was told you cannot just call and pay on a test by test basis, but have to give them a credit or debit card that they hold on fileand bill every time you test. They will accept prepaid credit cards, like the kind you can get at wawa (whew). God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

Are the collection sites the same?

Specializes in Med/Surg.

The lady on the phone said yes, but I have to check out the webpage when i get home from work.

Once setup its really not that bad, I worked thru recovery trek for 2 years. Daily login, if chosen go donate options 1.2.or 3. Results posted on your site (option 3 takes over a week). I kept a bunch of copies of paperwork in a folder in my trunk in case I got called. Life is what you choose to make of it. Peace

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Oogie was the lady on the phone right that if your not comfortable with giving them your debit card you can use a prepaid visa card. Also how much money are those forms after the initial packet of forms they send you.

We do recovery trek in Texas forms are free if you don't need express delivery so order before you run out but they have also let me test with computer generated forms just called my CM after forms got wet no problem I also like that they let us do all reports online just keep hard copy of meetings form in case they need it.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Sorry for repeat

Yo CS, Tx is correct I downloaded a copy of the form off the interweb, ran off a bunch on a copier. Never bought 1. As for paying I used my VISA card, never had a problem. Danged annoying to have to do this but once set up guess It could have been a lot worse. Enjoy each day for the joy you can create, the future will be here soon enough. Peace

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Thanks oogie :)

Its similar here in NC, we have paper forms and can check in from 5a-3p M-F. They have to have a credit or debit card number on file and if your bill isn't paid they suspend your account and that could lead to being kicked out of the program. Really it isn't too bad once you have it all covered down on. :***:

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Thanks hunnie. I was told to get a prepaid card that I could put on file and just make sure it is loaded for the month. We try very hard not to use cards and our debit account is sometimes very low so over drafting is a concern. Thanks everyone.

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