Nursing Students NCLEX


:banghead::redbeathe:redbeathei've heard that math question are like the easiest level,, is that true? i thought they were one of the hardest?.. who passed the nclex with alot of math questions??. ?
Specializes in ER; HBOT- lots others.

You know what, i dont want to say i had a TON of math questions, but i had enuf that they were coming back to haunt me for a bit of my test. i have a girl i worked with, she had tons of ?'s on math stuff, she passed w/ 265

I clearly remember having 2 math questions very similar to each other when I took the NCLEX a couple of months ago. I had to convert mcg to mg then give a certain dosage and configure it with the driprate giving one of my answers in how many drips per min an the other in how many drips per hour. Just take you time with the questions, read them carefully and be confident. I think these questions were weighted pretty heavy but its hard to judge.

Hope that helps a little.

Specializes in Oncology, Emergency Department.

I just passed last week with 75 questions of which 4-6 were math and I think I totally blew them, so it is possible :).

I had 3 math questions, im very good at those, but did not find neither of the 3 easy, so I dont really think they are always the lower level

:banghead::banghead:i got more than that. i got like 7 math questions.. anyone get more than that? i'm sure i got them right so why did they give me so many? i'm confused lol..and i'm still waiting for my results, and its been over 5 weeks already:heartbeat:heartbeat
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