Plugging along


Another semester is almost over and I am sooooooo glad. What is everyone taking next semester? I'm going to take A&P 2 and and Life Span developement. I work full time so I only take 2 classes per semester and believe me this is taking forever!! I keep chip, chipping away though.:yeah:

I have anatomy, speech and 2 PE classes. I am on waitlist for intermediate algebra and chemistry. If I get algebra, I will drop speech. I will prob keep anatomy and not take chem they are at the same time.

I also work FT and am also chugging along. I just looked at it this way. I'm completing my 3rd semester which will give me 21 units. thats one class from FT load being accomplished over 2 semesters. I did that in 3 semesters which is the same time period as fall + spring.

after spring, I will have only 4 classes left until i can apply to nursing schools.

Specializes in Stepdown.

Hey! I'm excited for this semester to end too! My school isn't offering winter intersession so I don't start up class till february. I'm working around 25 hrs a week, and ill be taking my last 2 pre-reqs next semester. A&P2 and micro. Gonna be a busy semester!

I'm taking micro and A&P next semester. I don't know if I should take this two classes since I'm so overwelmed with Chem and A&P 1 right now.

Specializes in Stepdown.
I'm taking micro and A&P next semester. I don't know if I should take this two classes since I'm so overwelmed with Chem and A&P 1 right now.

How are you doing in them? Is this your last semester of pre-reqs? We can be study buddies! :yeah:

My chem final is on Saturday and have a C+. In my A&P I have a B and a final on Tuesday 12/15.

I'm still thinking if I should take Micro and A&P together. I'll have the same A&P instructor and I really like her.

Specializes in Stepdown.
My chem final is on Saturday and have a C+. In my A&P I have a B and a final on Tuesday 12/15.

I'm still thinking if I should take Micro and A&P together. I'll have the same A&P instructor and I really like her.

Good luck on your finals! My chem is on Wednesday, my A&P is on tuesday. I think you should at least try for the first 2 weeks and drop one if you feel like it's overwhelming.

I'll try that.I'm already enrolled in both courses. I'll try for the first two weeks and I'll go from there. Good luck on your finals! :yeah:

I have A&P II scheduled, along with Developmental Psych, Lifetime Fitness, Eng 162 and Statistics. I've also signed up for Organic Chem 1, but am debating whether to take it or not. If I do, I might drop Developmental Pscyh or Eng 162. In the summer I'll take Microbiology and one other class (if I drop one, it'll be that one). My Chem from high school counted, but I am thinking about getting it out of the way since I'll need it if I go on to get my BSN or if I get sick of waiting around for a spot to open and apply somewhere else. However, if I don't take Chem now, I'll wait until fall. I should be able to start my clinicals at my school in January 2011 - after all my pre-reqs and core classes are done, so I might just be overanalyzing the Chemistry class right now. I should probably just drop it and take it in the fall. But, who knows, I have until mid January to decide. In the meantime, I'm looking at a few BSN programs online and thinking about that vs CC. CC is definitely closer to home, so it would be very good in that respect.

Sorry, rambling!

Finals in Chemistry tonight!! I'm so nervous. I've been going over everything all day and I can't hardly look at it any more. I've got my fingers crossed!

I'm just starting taking my pre-req so I am taking 2 math classes, psy, and Eng. to start off. Hopefully i will be done all my pre-reqs at the end of this year.

Good Luck to everyone!!

Specializes in Stepdown.
Finals in Chemistry tonight!! I'm so nervous. I've been going over everything all day and I can't hardly look at it any more. I've got my fingers crossed!

My anatomy 1 final is in 2 hours. Ahhhh. Thank god it's only over 3 chapters. PNS, ANS, and senses. Sooo tired. Then I have my cumulative chem final tomorrow night. Fun.

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