Pleez HELP! any ideas for a teaching project?


hello to my fellow nurses,:nurse:

i'm currently enrolled in community health course for a bsn program. i have a major project that is majority of my grade for the course. i have to create a teaching project/lesson plan. i'm not much of a public speaker,i let my nerves get in the darn it can be anything r/t public health, such as obesity,oral health,htn.. and etc.i'm so lost ,i dont even know where to start.i really want to get the my audience involved(middle school students), so i was thinking a teaching plan/groupactivity that pretty much gets everyone involved without me have to do so much of teaching or presenting.does anyone have any good resources,topics,past experience,websites or advice?? it would be greatly appreciated;)

blessings to all:redbeathe

I think if you're nervous about presenting, then it's extra important to choose a topic that you find interesting. Keep in mind too that some topics (like hypertension) might be a little more difficult for a school-aged audience to grasp.

Specialize on issues that concern the adolescent: abuse, stress, depression, peer pressure, whether to be sexally active and/or whether to use protection, poverty, weight (gain or loss). There is a close relationship between public health and community health. I am guessing here, pulbic health affects a very large population but commuunity health affects the issues of a community demographic group, i.e., school aged adolescents.

Specializes in Critical Care. CVICU. Adult and Peds PACU..

Hand washing :) easiest way to prevent infection

hello thanks for the feedback. :)

i wanted to stay away from sexual issues considering i'm attending a catholic university.

my first idea is "hygiene",but i'm having a hard time creating and founding a way to make the group interactions fun and educational!!!

my second idea is" maternal health" for teenage mothers,but i'm having the same issue.


Well if you want to do some teaching with hygiene you could always look into the "germ" cream/powder and a black light as part of your presentation. A lot of A&P, Biology, & Nursing instructors will do this to teach students the important of hand-washing and there's a good chance you have an instructor who has the supplies and might let you borrow them to use for your teaching project.

if this is junior high, a good topic might be recognizing and avoiding date abuse/violence/control issues, and supporting people in getting help if they are in them. your local women's shelter would have a lot of good resources for you for that age group. go talk to them before you start.

I agree, I would definately do Hand Washing for the age group....very important, and you can make it fun and interesting while getting everyone involved. Some glitter and confetti to demonstrate how germs get spread from hand to hand and item contact, have the kids demonstrate on each other a Fake Sneeze with glitter to show how germs can get on each others person...they will have fun, and you will be informative. Of course you will need a little more, but nothing gets children and Adults more than some good pics of real life germs....Yuck! Just a suggestion.

I would say that confetti would be highly messy, but perhaps a different alternative of stickers. It's confusing to write down HOW to do it, but once you get the gist it's pretty easy!

give everyone a sheet of sticker circles (smiley faces, or small dots from office depot or something) -- these will be the "stash" they will use to "spead germs to others"

Then write on the board (or use a powerpoint) to label different "germs" to colors (ie. green dot=runny nose, red dot=temperature, blue dot= stomach ache, brown dot=pet/dirt germs, orange dot=earache, etc.) use "germs" they can identify with. Ask the group if they've ever had the individual "germ" before and give the first one or two (depending on size of group) that raise their hand the respective color sticker to put on the back of their hand.

To make it easier you could let them draw from a hat who they have to shake hands with (ie. everybody with blonde hair, or everybody with a blue shirt-- assuming the school doesn't use uniforms) Write two or three of each instruction so the "germs" will spread (it would be pretty crappy if nobody spread anything! Also write one a couple of cards "wash hands" and instruct them that if they get that one they are to throw all of their stickers in the trash and sit down! :)

For each hand they shake they must take stickers off their sheet of the colors they have on their hand and put them on the other person's hand, then get stickers from the person's hand they are shaking (from that person's sheet). So in the end, the stickers accumulate on the back of the hands and the stickers on the sheet are pulled off to "spread the germs". Once a person has two of the same color, or if they shook all the hands they were supposed to they sit down because they are "sick"...

The activity would take a little while, and could take longer if you have them draw two cards from the hat.


I hope this makes sense. I would love to do something like this to educate kids on the importance of handwashing. Then teach them how to wash their hands and let each kid practice with hand sanitizer! (kids like tactile stuff)

Let us know what happens.


Good idea..I like the idea of stickers for the activity

wow..thanks everyone for the ideas and feedback! well i spoke with my professor and she said the handwashing activity was a great start, but i need more material and content:crying2: thanks so much sandanrnstudent,you really got me in think mode:) she said my audience was 5thgraders,so she said it sounds sort of "kiddy" i was thinking maybe adding an additional material and another fun group activity r/t personal hygiene(hairwashing and oral health ,????) so i'm currently thinking of how to lengthen the presentation and create "5th grade appropriate theme":d i want to incorporate the handwashing theme with another topic/activity as well. i would greatly appreciate any ideas,feedback, or input. i present in less than a month.yikesss!:eek:

god bless:redpinkhe

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