Please help


Hi all. I just wanted to ask anybody for some help and suggestions on my particular predicament. I am a a nursing graduate from a local community college who graduated in 2001 in California and I seem to be having trouble passing the NCLEX-RN. I have tried taking the test a numerous amount of times with no success. Sometimes I get seventy five questions and sometimes I get two hundred sixty five questions, but the results are the same. I have studied from class notes, went to Kaplan, did thousands of questions from Mosby, Saunders, Kaplan, and Lippincott, just to name a few. I would like to know if anybody had any other suggestions that I can try, because I can't seem to find anything that seems to help my get over that hump and I too would like to be an RN. Thanks for taking the time to read this post I greatly appreciate it. :confused:

Can you identify your weak areas, or do they vary each test?

Do you feel like you might be helped by going back to nursing school and, say, taking the last semester over, or at least the last semester of clinicals over? I had some classmates who did just that.

Did you do well in clinicals in nursing school? Do you feel like you know the material, but just don't test well? Would taking some test-taking strategy classes at somewhere like Sylvan Learning Centers help your test-taking skills, do you think?

Maybe you could make an appointment with your last clinical instructor or whoever you feel you knew the best, teacher wise, in your nursing program. Ask him or her to be honest with you as to what might help you pass your boards and for advice as to how to set and achieve your goals.

Also--what about working as a patient care technician or as a CNA, just to keep you involved with patient care? You might pick up some new skills and make yourself more confident when it comes time to take the boards again, plus you will at least be in a patient care area, not totally detached.

Good luck!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I work with a CNA with a BSN in the same predictament. She is taking some sort of remedial course, complete with clinicals and tests, etc.

Good luck.

Is there a proaibility that you just freeze on tests? How were your test results in class?

In class did you have essay questions or were they multi choice?

Some people just don't do well on multi choice!

One of my friends had to be taught how to do multi choice as our teachers gave mostly essay questions. She never did well on class tests that were multi choice.

See your previous teachers they will lead you in the right direction.

Good luck

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

two words come to mind:

Test Anxiety.

Maybe it's YOUR problem. Look into it; there is help.

good luck to you. a remedial course after nearly 2 years is not a bad idea, either. Hope you get there!

I took a review course with 5 GNs. We met every Monday for so many weeks. We used the same review book (NCLEX). We read the questions aloud, answered them and explained reason(s) why you chose the answer. The instructor was a retired RN. All 5 of us passed the board.

Specializes in Step down, ICU, ER, PACU, Amb. Surg.

Are you studying the day before the exam??? Cramming like that tends to make for poor test taking. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor and look into test anxiety too, like Smiling said.

Dear enigma6394

I took my NCLEX 6 yrs after I graduated from college without practicing Nursing at all. I did the same thing as yours.. answered thousands of questions from Mosby's, Lippincott, etc... Then I attended KAPLAN's classes. As I remember that was 5 consecutive days (5 to 9pm class). I really set aside my 1 wk just for studying and utilizing all their review materials. I went to their library and watched their videos and did the practice tests before the classes starts. Then at home I have to be chapters ahead of the next topic. On the 6th day, I did the final practice test and took the NCLEX on the 7th day. It all worked well for me since everything was still fresh on my mind. Only I had to devote that whole week just for studying..(no work, no t.v., strict time management).

I know you will make it, too... You just have to find out which way works best for you.. Good Luck!

First of all THANK YOU all for all of your posts to my problem I really appreciate it.

To stevierae: To answer your questions honestly my weaknessess vary by each tes. The part that I hate the most is when I spend a lot of time on my weaknessess and study the same amount of time on my strenghts my weaknessess go up and strengths go down. As for going back to school for the last semester and going back to clinical I don't think that would help me. The last semester for me it seemed doesn't have the meat as the second and third semesters you know med-surg stuff. Going back to clinical is an interesting thought, but I mind as well go and work as an LVN and get the least. In clinical I would say I was above average in the end. I feel I know the material and how the test is administered to me I feel doesn't have an affect on me. As for test takking stratagies I took one during school and after I graduated if it helped me I would say it was minimal. As for keeping in touch with me instructors I have stayed in contact with them and they give the same suggestions of most of the people I ask question and maybe some refreashing course. The last thing they mentioned was to change the way I THINK.

To sixes: As for freezing, absolutely not my problem. My test results in class were average and I would say ninty-nine percent of our questions were multiple choice if we had essay they werer probably rare, because I can't think of of any. And I am in contact with my teachers, but they give the same suggestions as other people do questions and take a refresher course. The last thing they mentioned was to change the way I THINK.

To SmilingBluEyes: As for test anxiety..maybe on my first attempt, but no have absolutely no test anxiety. As for the remedial course I went to Kaplan..and honestly what I did in Kaplan I can to at home.

To UntamedSpirit: I know what your talking about when you ask that question if I studied the day before the test and have done both go to the test studying the day before or going in just relaxing the day before the test and not studying, but the results are the same sadly.

Again THANK YOU all for your suggestions. If any body else has any other suggestions PLEASE post them or send me a private messaage. THANKS.

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