PLEASE Help!!! Idea needed for mental health teaching assignment!!!


Hi everyone! I could really use some help. I'm in mental health clinicals and we have to come up with a UNIQUE health teaching session for some of the kids.

We can't do teaching on: nutrition, exercise, hand washing, and sleeping because the kids have been 'taught' these things by every nursing student they've encountered. I considered doing a lesson on stress management but the preceptor said no because these kids are in a residential facility on lock down essentially and the therapists would prefer to teach those techniques to the kids.

Can anyone think of a fun, simple teaching session? The average age of these kids are 7 to 13.

I would GREATLY appreciate any input you could provide.

what do you think of a play about the importance of personal hygiene...

We did this one at mental facility, u could adapt to kids. We found pictures of dogs in diff states: happy, angry, mean, ok, calm, playful! Etc and had them blown up and taped to cardboard. Or you could give small pictures and have them share. So for ours, we started with me coming into group acting out an emotion and having them guess what emotion i was having. And how could they tell? We did a few diff emotions with discussion. Then we brought out one picture at a time and asked them if they came upon this dog would it be ok to pet him? Why why not? How did you know? What were the signs? It was a great teaching about emotions and dog safety. Good luck. There are tons of ideas out there like this you can do relating to safety, etc. My fav was getting the patients envolved and hear their amazing ideas. This was one of my fav classes.

Have fun with it. Especially if its with kids!!

how about some roleplaying to teach about appropriate and inappropriate social interactions?

If it's a group project, you and your classmates could act out different social scenarios and the kids could give feedback as to what they they would do differently or identify the appropriate behaviors. It could be funny and still teach them something. You could go through scenarios that address intrusiveness/interrupting, personal space, waiting your turn, bullying, making friends, etc.

Another idea would be to educate on setting limits on video games & internet.

Social interactions is a great idea! Role play: If you wanted someone to play a game with you, how would you ask? And even, if you were losing at the game, what is the best way to handle that?

What if you wanted to sit with someone at lunch time?

How do you make conversation with someone?

If you are at a get together, how do you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom? How do you say "no" if you don't want any ice cream?

What are some examples of being polite? What makes you nervous when talking to other kids? Other adults?

Then you could also have the kids think of things they like to do. Listen to music? Draw? Read? And then things they would like to know more about. Pair them up--one day with someone who likes the same things as them, the next with someone that does something they would like to know more about. Encourage questions and listening. Maybe even an "interview" for a program monthly newsletter created by the kids. And if you get some artwork and/or poetry, you could turn those into a calender for the kids at the end of the year.

I think one of the most difficult things for kids is how to make "small talk" and what is polite and appropriate. And that is most all kids in the age range you are discussing. I also think celebrating their strengths is a great idea. And a newsletter type format is a cool thing to have the kids interests showcased. The big kids help the little kids--the importance of role modeling positive behaviors. Each child could have a nice note at the end of the week from the people working with them. "You did great with your drawing this week, I am so proud of you!!" Or "I appreciate you helping ---insert name of 7 year old here--you did great!" to an older child who is helping and positive role modeling for a younger one.....

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