Please enlighten this lowly student nurse, oh great ones!


I am a little curious as to what the difference is between an obstetrics RN and a labor & delivery RN. Is it just the name or are there differences in the job duties as well?

Thank you so much! :D

Well, ob to me denotes the whole process: anteparum (before birth, many women have complications which require them to be hospitalized on antepartum units), labor and delivery and postpartum (where they recover for a few days before going home). L&D nurses usually just work in the delivery room and don't look after women for a long time before or after. Am I making any sense?

Yes you are! I think I get it now, and it seems that the better position then would be in obstetrics (IMHO). I was curious because one of the hospitals (the one I hope to eventually work at) has jobs under both L&D and OB.

If that's the case, their OB nurses may not do L&D. Many hospitals will crosstrain nurses to all these areas though.

Specializes in NICU, L&D, OB, Home Health, Management.

It may depend on the size of the hospital - I'm at a very small hospital now (9 bed OB unit) so all of the nurses on the unit have to do L&D, postpartum, nursery and antepartum and are called OB nurses.

At the larger hospital the units and staff were divided - L&D, Nursery and postpartum nurses, with some 'OB' nurses that are crosstrained in all areas to help out.

This is just one idea.


Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Well said by everyone..You can elect in some places JUST to do post partum , nursery or delivery....Many of us are cross trained to all three areas as one should be because some time you are going to encounter everyone at some point....Whether it is a bad baby in delivery that can't go to the nursery right away, or a post partum patient hanging out in delivery because pp is busy..And, in LDRP areas you will do all three areas...You can also be an OB GYN person since pp often entails pp patients as well as GYN and antenatal..You will see the entire scheme of things but if delivery is your thing and your love, you can hang out there for the most part in many places..Just as everyone else so eloquently said...

Hi everyone, i have a quick question. What exactly does a OB/GYN nurse do? and what does it stand for? Thanks in advance-:)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

OB nurses take care of women in antepartum states (preterm labor and/or problems in pregnancy), labor/delivery and postpartum; they also take care of most well newborns.

GYN nurses take care of post gynecological surgical patients....these women have undergone hysterectomy, pelvic repair, bladder slings, corrections of prolapse, etc.

I do all the above, making me an OB/GYN nurse. If you have further question, please PM me.

Specializes in ICU.

Now to further confuse you - we do not have Ob or L&D nurses we have Midwives!!! Are you confused yet???:D

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