Please COMMENT ...IDK what to do


I just got my first acceptance letter from LACC aka Los Angeles City College Nursing Program, I was excited and I know I would have been happy if I had not heard some things about the program a few weeks back. There is another student that is in the LACC nursing program and he told me that I was better off not even applying to LACC's program, this was after I had already applied, anyways, he said that the first semester teachers are horrible and that they do not care at all about the students, that they pick favorites in the class and that is rediculously hard. I checked out the passing rate and it was totally unstable: 66% passed one year, then 83% the next, then 86% and then 66% again and then 83% and 86%...I don't think that it looks that so good compared to other school around Los Angeles. I also hear from a Doctor that said she had gotten her RN at LACC say that the school did not properly supply her with what she needed to be a good nurse.

I always had my heart on Los Angeles County School of Nursing. I passionately wanted and still want to go there. I unfortunately did not pass the Vocabulary part of their testing and have to retest, but the lady that answered the phone last time said to call back in January about re testing times. I have to let LACC know by January 11th if I will or will not attend.

I also applied to Glendale but got a denied twice already. Same for Pasadena.

I applied to Cal State LA but I still have a semester left of transfer classes which I was going to finish in Spring, which is when the LACC's nursing program classes start.

I just read on this website that LACC is not an accredited school...what does that mean? I can become an RN but its not accredited? More things to add to my dilemma...

I wanted to go to LACC originally because it is closer to my home. I more than anything want to go to a school that I will succeed in and learn how to be the best nurse I can be. I do not know what I should do...HELP...PLEASE...

Those pass rates are all over the place.....that would worry me more then people saying how hard it is. Are there any other local programs you can apply to aside from the ones that already turned you down?

I don't have any other good advise for you, I myself would be very hesitant to part with my money for a school with such inconsistant results.

Those pass rates are scary. Don't play them down. That and you had 2 completely different references, a doctor non the less, both being very negative. Good thing your did research.

you should research this that 66% pass/fail rate is horrible, you should consider somewhere else if you have heard no positives, nursing school is hard but some are insane and maybe that's one of them and they do not have accredidation? I would reconsider:eek:

Specializes in ICU.

First, I would verify their accreditdation. Nothing else matters if this isn't on the up and up. Second, is the pass rate you are referring to the first attempt NCLEX pass rate or the retention/graduation rate? If it is the NCLEX rate, then those lower rates are concerning, while a consistant 85% wouldn't have bothered me much. When it comes to NCLEX pass rates, I mainly focus on whether or not the school is maintaining a high enough standard so as not to be in trouble with the state's BON.

If this school is your only real chance of getting accepted into a nursing program, their accreditation is secure, their retention rates are reasonable high (I like to see at the very least 50%, higher for this school since their NCLEX pass rate isn't stellar) and you get get an idea of the WHOLE picture, then I wouldn't be turning them down yet. BUT if you do have the opportunity to try for another program with a better reputation, then that is a different story.

They are on the Ca. Board of Registered Nursing. I believe that they are accredited. I went to one of the orientation meetings last year but I didn't take my teas test yet. I do feel for you but the cc are replete with applications. You are lucky to be accepted into any nursing program in L.A. The wait for many is close to 2 years!

You can wait for another school to call you or be one of those students at LACC that does graduate! Just go with your usually is always right:D

I was sort of in the same situation you were. The students from my program said the school was horrible, wouldn't wish it on anyone and such. I even considered not going but then they had stellar reviews from hospital staff when they did their clinicals and the school's NCLEX pass rate has been 90% and higher for the past five years. So even though the administration might be annoying as heck, it's doable and that's all I really need. It was the only nursing school I got into and I'm proud of it.

Maybe you should check with why the pass rates are so fluxuated? What I've realized is that sometimes it has a lot to do with how many students take it. For example if 100 people take the test and 85 pass the pass rate is 85%. Only 15 people didn't pass the first time around, however if there are only 50 students and 35 pass, the pass rate is 70% even though the same amount of students failed as did the bigger program. Was the program changed during those years? Different administration. Not only is it unstable but from 86 to 66 to 83 is a huge drop/rise.

I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions back...after several days of thinking about what I am going to do...I have decided to accept...and attend LACC's Nursing Program...I found that they are accredited ...guiltysins has a great point: about why their passing rate was so low..there were only 30 or less people that actually tested...the other times that more applicants tested, there were better test scores...

I have talked over this issue with my family and I got some good advice...I should not base whether I will have success on other people's scores...if I work hard and study and actually learn I will pass the NCLEX exam...and maybe improve the schools' pass rate ...

Thank you again everyone..take care...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

if LACC is not an accredited school then DON"T GO!! you won't be able to sit for the NCLEX, and those credits will not transfer to accredited universities or colleges.

good luck... hope you get in other schools.

if LACC is not an accredited school then DON"T GO!! you won't be able to sit for the NCLEX, and those credits will not transfer to accredited universities or colleges.

good luck... hope you get in other schools.

sry didn't read the last response... good luck.

Congrats, and good luck!

Be sure to update us after you start so you can tell us it is much better then you were told!!

Specializes in Mostly geri :).

I withdrew from a school with similar passrates. How hard do you work for your money? That's what I thought. You deserve better than that, you'd sell yourself short if you go there in my opinion.

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