Published Jan 15, 2006
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
Can anyone give me some insight into deliveries with pit? If induced with pit, how often do you see them have to do c-sections?
I'm being induced Friday evening, starting with Cervidil. I am just terrified of getting pit. However, doc said my cervix was ripe (actually called it "mushy" :chuckle ) and that I was "inducable" (is that a word? pretend it is...)
20,964 Posts
If you are that favorable, (cervix wise) I would ask the doctor to let you go into labor spontaneously. Given time, most women seem to do this, if they are as favorable as you describe, by the 41st week of gestation.
Your question, while completely understandable, borders on asking for medical opinions and advice, which, we can't allow, per TOS. I would also suggest you discuss csection rates at your hospital w/your doctor if you are unsure.
Truly, If you are that undecided and "terrified", as you describe to us, you need to have a long talk w/your medical care provider regarding allowing nature take course, versus a true medical necessity/need for you to be induced for labor. I don't blame you one bit for being nervous and I praise you for being inquisitive and trying to do what is best for yourself and your precious new baby.
You would do well to understand WHY the need for induction---risk versus benefit. Why does the dr want to induce you? Pitocin and cervical ripening, while done commonly and often taken very routinely by doctor and nurses alike, DO carry inherent risks. ANY time we mess with Mother Nature, we risk problems.
Also, we don't have access to your medical history, so clearly, can't offer you best advice for your case, Aneroo. Please talk to the dr/midwife BEFORE your induction and get your fears/worries put to rest.
Let us know how you do----and do update us when your brand-new baby girl is born. I can't wait to hear your birth story. I wish you all the best.
824 Posts
I haven't been online too much lately, so you may have already answered this in a previous post...
But why does your MD want to induce you at 39 weeks? Keep in mind with Cervidil and Pitocin, if your body isn't ready, you may not go into labor...they might get you contracting painlessly every 2 minutes and you might not dialate. Be very cautious with "committing" yourself to delivery next Friday. ie. don't let the MD break your bag if you are truly not in will then set you up for a higher likelihood of a c/section.
862 Posts
I can't give you a nurse answer yet, but my personal experience. I was induced with my first child and it was a difficult experience. I was always being poked and prodded and monitored. I didn't get pitocin until late in the process but being induced itself is no picnic.
With my second I went into labor on my own and was free to walk and move around and not be bothered. I also received pitcon then but only because I stayed at 9 cm forever.
I understand (was told by my midwife) that pitocin induction increases your risk of a c-section by 50%, with a higher risk for first time moms. Check out The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer if you haven't read it. Lots of good info there.
I was induced due to being 2 weeks overdue but if I could do it over again I would want to wait a couple more days. My own two cents is unless there is a medical reason, avoid induction if possible.
323 Posts
Truly, If you are that undecided and "terrified", as you describe to us, you need to have a long talk w/your medical care provider regarding allowing nature take course, versus a true medical necessity/need for you to be induced for labor. I don't blame you one bit for being nervous and I praise you for being inquisitive and trying to do what is best for yourself and your precious new baby. You would do well to understand WHY the need for induction---risk versus benefit. Why does the dr want to induce you? Pitocin and cervical ripening, while done commonly and often taken very routinely by doctor and nurses alike, DO carry inherent risks. ANY time we mess with Mother Nature, we risk problems.
:yeahthat: Fear is not conducive to good labor, IMO. You need to feel good about the decision to induce and understand the reasons, risks, and benefits.
Good luck.
1,553 Posts
My water broke before contractions started. By the time I got to the hospital I was 4cm. (A few weeks before my due date) I was contracting every 2-3 mins at a pain level 5 after several hours. (I have a very high tolerance for pain) My ob said I wasn't contracting strong enough because I was able to talk through contractions. no they didn't check my cervix to see if I was dilating at all. He talked me into pit. (yes, it was a weekend) big mistake! the pain went from bad but tolerable to intolerable. I asked for an epidural, and no they didn't check me to see how far I was dilated before giving it to me. Ten minutes after receiving the epidural my child was born. I wont go into details but my delivery did not go well. my child was not well after delivery. (blue, not crying, low heart rate, limp, etc) i will not let them talk me into pit again! thats just my experience.....