Piedmont College applicants 2014


Hello! I would like to start a new topic for the applicants to the nursing school in Piedmont College, 2014. I want to share ideas, progress, etc. in our path to the nursing career. Have fun :)

I got a phone call today for an interview on 1/29. What about you? :yes:

Yep. Mine is 1/31! So excited! I wonder if there will be others that post on here too? I was thinking (after I saw last year's thread) that more people may start posting, but it seems really slow?! I like that they do interviews instead of reference letters. They make their minds up for themselves. Although, interviewing is stressful for the interviewee (us). I am mixed, sometimes I do great in person, and then other times I totally bomb.

I guess we will have the typical questions. eg... Why do you want to be a nurse? Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? How do you handle stressful situations? What do you do to blow off steam? etc etc etc. I just wonder if they will throw some questions in there that I won't be prepared for, and I will end up being a babbling mess! HA!

I met another girl today in one of my classes who is having her interview the 31st, too :)

I know someone who's 1st pick is UNG, but has an interview on the 30th at Piedmont. I am still really trying not to get too anxious!

This is the week! Woo HOO! Interviews, and hopefully in another week acceptance letters :) I cannot believe this is really happening! But, where are all the other applicants? Do they not know of Allnurses.com? or- are they keeping a low profile in order to stay competitive? LOL.

Emde -did you have your interview this week? I wondered how the weather affected everyone. Mine is a little later today and I am so pumped! Ready to get this finished and move on to the next steps ;-) this is all so exciting!

Hi! My interview was rescheduled for 1/31 afternoon. I will have to drive to Athens, though. I'm extremely nervous :nailbiting:

Hey ya 'll! My interview was rescheduled too! I am scheduled for today at 320 in Athens. My tummy has been in knots all day! I'm so nervous! Everybody meet back here tonight to discuss experiences, please!

mparker, how'd it go??? I'm dying to know about how many questions they asked!!! Can't be too many for a 20 minute interview!

I felt that my interview went really smoothly. The faculty liked the fact that I'm bilingual, and that I will be done with all my pre-req this semester before entering the nursing program. I asked them when we will receive a notice of decision, and they said by the end of Feb. What about you??

They asked the typical questions and looking back I think I did pretty good, although I would like to have a re-do ;) I liked both interviewers and felt a good rapport with them both.

List a few strengths and weaknesses, why do you want to be a nurse, and why should we pick you. Those were the questions I was asked, then I asked several of my own.

They told me letters would go out in a couple of weeks.......oooohhhh the suspense!

I'm excited! I think mine went well too! I can't wait to hear something. I am trying to throw myself into work to keep my mind off of it!

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