Published May 4, 2008
just1, MSN
15 Posts
I work in a small hospital without computerized order entry. Is anyone having luck getting the physicians to note the date & time when they sign their telephone orders within 48 hours? I think that the physicians here are boycotting the whole issue! They will sign their orders but refuse to note the date and time.
512 Posts
I also work in a relatively small hospital. Because of your post, I am going to follow up to determine just what the physicians are doing in this regard. We have someone in place (a nurse clinician) who supposedly follows up on these matters.
(I notice this is your 1st post, keep them coming!!!!!!!):yeah:
547 Posts
My hospital JUST implemented this policy. Docs used to have to sign VERBAL orders only. Now they have to sign TELEPHONE orders within 48 (or 24? can't remember) hours. Not much luck... Of course, the burden is placed on the STAFF NURSES to get the docs to sign. Yeah, cuz that's gonna' happen! In any case, don't we have enough to worry about without having to babysit the docs??
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Actually the burden belongs to administration and not to the nurses. All orders always need to be countersigned by the provider, whether verbal order or telephone order and this rule is in place throughout the US, and not state specific. JCAHO also is checking to make sure that the orders are countersigned. Facilities are getting dinged if they are not signed.
And the medical staff office can pull privileges if they are not signed as the facility can lose their status, both with JCAHO as well as your state.
gradRN2007, BSN, RN
274 Posts
At out hospital, Joint commision just left...we went back and put little red flags on charts where signatures were needed so when the doc pulled the chart they were sticking out on the right side . Kind of like a post it note but shaped like an arrow and says sign and date here.
Worked great and now the unit secretary or anyone puts it on the chart when we notice it. They do keep track of which doc is not signing and dating and they do get a letter etc. from administration.
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
At out hospital, Joint commision just left...we went back and put little red flags on charts where signatures were needed so when the doc pulled the chart they were sticking out on the right side . Kind of like a post it note but shaped like an arrow and says sign and date here.Worked great and now the unit secretary or anyone puts it on the chart when we notice it. They do keep track of which doc is not signing and dating and they do get a letter etc. from administration.
Yep we are doing this and I agree it works great.