Phx area scrubs store


Any suggestions on a brick/mortar store to purchase some scrubs? I'm in the N.E. Phoenix area.

There is a new shopping center where the 202 crosses Cactus, I think that is the cross street. A few miles north of Paradise Valley Mall. I bought some there a few months ago.

Thanks Suzanne, I'll check it out. I think it might be the new Desert Ridge mall off of Tatum.

I think that is the name of it. Only there the one time but they have a huge selection.

Any suggestions on a brick/mortar store to purchase some scrubs? I'm in the N.E. Phoenix area.
Tatum and the 101, desert ridge mall, Its called scrubs and more, on the Target side of the mall, by Hihealth.
Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I was in Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and went to the outlet mall in the southeast part of town and loved the Scrubs Store. It is a company out of CA and I have always bought via catalog (I live in IL) but these are the best scrubs around - the 7 pocket ones are fabulous - the pockets are lined with tricot and they hold up so well - I wear them for years!

I was in Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and went to the outlet mall in the southeast part of town and loved the Scrubs Store. It is a company out of CA and I have always bought via catalog (I live in IL) but these are the best scrubs around - the 7 pocket ones are fabulous - the pockets are lined with tricot and they hold up so well - I wear them for years!

I believe that is Smartscrubs at Arizona Mills. They do have a large sleection and the quality is great. If you go, park near Burlington Coat Factory or The Rainforest Cafe entrance. The store is to the right and across from Burlington Coat Factory....

Lots of great advice, thanks!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

MattsMom - thanks - yes that is the store I'm talking about.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

S.C.R.U.B.S. rule!!!!! Yes, they are sold in SmartScrubs. High favorite part is the double stitched pockets.

Specializes in generalMedical surgical; MICU/SICU/CVICU.

There is a scrubs stor at Desert Ridge and also at Arizona Mills mall. I like the one at Desert Ridge better, but the scrubs at Arizona Mills were ok also

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