Published Aug 29, 2017
2 Posts
Hi I really need help on my pharmacology homework! Thanks in advanced!
A lymphoma patient is receiving Rituxan. The dose of Rituxan is 375mg/m^2. He is 5'11" and 178 lbs.
1) What is the dose of Rituxan (mg) that the patient will receive?
The Rituxan will be prepared in an IV. Concentration: 1mg/1mL. The MD order: start infusion at 50mg/hr then titrate every 30 min to a max rate of 200 mg/hr.
2. If the initial rate of Rituxan is 50 mg/hr, what rate mL/hr will you set the IV?
iluvivt, BSN, RN
2,774 Posts
You need to show your work and demonstrate you have put some effort into this and them some kind soul will jump in to help you with what you do not understand.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
These are basic ratio to proportion algebra equations. You must learn how to calculate these on your own.
Your school will provide tutoring, ask for it. It should take you one or two sessions to learn this.
Best wishes with your studies.
blondy2061h, MSN, RN
1 Article; 4,094 Posts
What is the first thing you need to know to solve this? How do you get that?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Moved to Nursing Student Assistance forum
Not looking like we're going to hear back from OP, which is a shame. I'd love to walk the eager student through a good chemo calc question.
I've solved the first question tho. It should be around 753.75 mg. It's the second question I needed help with. I only posted the first one to give you guys context to the whole problem and to make sure I'm correct.
You're correct on the first part. The second part of the question is very easy. They give you a lot of information you don't need to solve it. I suspect you're over thinking it. Go back, read it again, and see if you can figure out what they're really asking and what you need to know to figure that out.
bgxyrnf, MSN, RN
1,208 Posts
And focus on the concentration (1mg/1mL), dosage flow rate (50mg/hr), and the volumetric flow rate (what rate mL/hr will you set the IV?)...
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
The second part of the question you should be able to figure out in your head. You need to infuse 50 mg/hr, the concentration is 1 mg/mL, therefore how many mL/hr would you be administering?