Published Dec 16, 2008
89 Posts
Hi guys,
i am signed up for Pharma next sem and needed to know from those who have taken the class how much math was involved and what would be a good book to read over this holiday. any for pharma and health careers math. thanks.
263 Posts
The pharmacology class I took inloved no math at all. The class was all about understanding the different drug classes, their mechanisms of action, drug interactions, side effects, contraindications, etc.
hypocaffeinemia, BSN, RN
1,381 Posts
My pharm class had dosage calculations on every test. The math is simple, especially if you've taken chemistry and understand dimensional analysis. If that is a foreign term to you, that's what I'd recommend you to study.
Eirene, ASN, RN
499 Posts
My advice to you is to study the different classes of medications such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, etc. The generics of these drugs are pretty easy because they all end with a olol (BB), prils (ACEI), and pines (CCB).
It feels like every single patient is on some kind of antihypertensive. My tests (and clinicals) hit hard on these.
Look into the different mechanisms of actions for antibiotics, anti-epileptics, depression meds.
It is important to know how these meds are acting on the body on the cellular level. You'll have to know the side effects.
We used Pharmacology and the Nursing Process. It's expensive, but I still refer back to it as a practicing nurse. You might be able to find an older addition cheaper.
2,441 Posts
Hi guys,i am signed up for Pharma next sem and needed to know from those who have taken the class how much math was involved and what would be a good book to read over this holiday. any for pharma and health careers math. thanks.
Send me a PM...we had an entire class that was over an entire semester dealing with nursing Math. I'll send you the ISBN number.
My textbook was excellent, broke everything down, and I bet you could probably pick up one for dirt cheap.
Hi justme1972,
i am not familiar with pm ing, how do i do that, it may be only premium members who have that feature?!!!
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
Any member with at least 15 legitimate posts has access to the PM feature. To send a PM, click on the person's profile name in one of their posts. You'll get a drop-down menu that will say "View Public Profile, Send a private message to _____, Send email to _____, Find all posts by _____ and Add _____ to your buddy list". Roll the cursor down to "Send a private message" and another window will open with the screens for composing a private message. Fill in the blanks and send it off. It's not hard at all.
16 Posts
I would suggest the book calculating with confidence. It is very useful and easy to use. We used this book and had medication dosage math questions on pharm tests as well as in other subjects. Math was stressed in my school, and I think it was important, because when you get to the hospital to do your clinicals you HAVE to be knowledgeable at calculating doses especially if you will be working in peds!
Great book...take advantage of it