Published Feb 3, 2007
3 Posts
Hi everyone-
I am new to this forum and have a question. I am in the fourth week of an accelerated RN (not BSN) program for students with a bachelor's in a non-nursing field that is 11.5 months. I was looking at some practice NCLEX quetsions online (ordered Saunders review, waiting for delivery) and it looked like there is a lot of phramacology on the exam. Does anyone know about what % of questions are pharmacology? We do not have a specific pharmacology course, we just go over meds as we do systems. We basically learn the name, class, and generally what the med does. We have a pharmacology book for reference, but even if I studied it all the time there is no way I could remember all of the information. Do you think I will just learn throughout the year about different meds, or am I in trouble? If you can't tell, I am very scared about school. Thanks.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Each exam will vary, it is dependent on how the nurse answers the previous questions. Some exams have no pharmacology questions, and others can get quite a few. The exam will focus on your weak points.
If you need to, you can focus on learning about a new drug on a daily basis, you will not get overwhelmed that way, and it will help you in your schooling.
295 Posts
according to the hurst review, which i just completed. pharmacology accounts for 13-19%. if you are interested in precentages of questions, i recommend going to ncsbn for more information.
good luck!