Petitioning for DCCC 2014 Nursing Program

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Peace Everyone! I am currently a Pre-Nursing student at Delaware County Community College. I take my TEAS test July 30. I've been studying on and off since last month. I am trying not to be nervous about it. I'm beyond determined to get in! Is there anyone else who has taken the TEAS yet? what scores are considered good enough to get in?? My GPA is fine, and I will be complete all my pre reqs by next Spring. What scores would be considered TEAS test "Waiting List" scores?

YESSS!!!!Congrats!!!!! Nancy told me that orientation invites go out in mid february

Thank you! Nancy and I were just emailing back and forth and she asked me if I would switch to the night program if there were seats in January. Lo and behold I emailed her last Friday and she sent out my acceptance letter because there're are seats open in Marple day and CCH evening. She's like and angel.

There are* auto correct

There are open seats? I guess people dropped out already?

And congrats!!!

I guess so. This must happen often with the evening program because Nancy really made sure I would make clinical and understood the responsibilities of the evening/weekend program.

Thank you!

Hello All!! My name is Gianna and I've been browsing the site for a couple of months and finally decided to join. I got my acceptance letter back in mid december for the Marple Evening/weekend program. Like most of you I was also stalking the mailbox lol. Congrats to all who got into the nursing program. I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone, wish ya'll the best and hope to meet soon at orientation. :)

Is anyone taking nursing math that starts in march-end of may with carol hanna in the evening at Marple campus?

Is everyone finished with all the pre-reqs?

Specializes in Hospice + Palliative.
So rather than getting a BSN (I have a BA and an MA in humanities already) you can skip directly to a Masters in Nursing??? That sounds amazing!!!

Yes, you can do the bridge to MSN (it's 3-4 courses that are part of the bsn program, and then you start with the grad classes. ou do not get awarded a BSN with this program track, just the MSN). You have to apply separately (and there's no automatic admission like for the joint-enrollment rn/bsn). The requirements are more stringent than the bsn; for all the nurse practitioner tracks you have to have many (8-10) years of clinical work if you are applying without a bsn. For the nurse educator and clinical nurse leader there's not that clinical requirement, and if you want the NP, you can do a post-master's certificate after finishing the MSN (

In order to enroll in the -dccc rn/bsn while you are a dccc nursing student, you have to have (and maintain) a 3.0 GPA. If you enroll in the rn-bsn after dccc graduation, then you only have to have a 2.5 GPA. (we were told that this is because they want to make sure that the dual enrollment doesn't wind up affecting student's success at DCCC, because that would reflect poorly on DCCC if students started failing more because they're stretched too thin with the drexel classes)

@airballs as long as your gap is 2.5 and you pass the teas and there is a seat open, you will be accepted. Averages vary

Thanks for the response! I think I have decided to stay out here (Vegas) to pursue my ADN. Really rather move back home and go to DCCC to be with family and nurse friends to have a support system but it's almost a no-brainer in terms of available seats/acceptance. Kind of crappy being a Chester County Resident and only being able to apply into the Chester County program. Good luck to all!

Has anyone recieved their orientation invite letter yet???? i'm practically stalking my mailbox waiting for it!

Haha no! I feel the same way. I'm reading to plan and get ready!!

Has anyone gotten their letters yet? I guess it's still early and we've had a lot of snow, but I'm too excited to wait! Hahahaha

New to this site, but...I was talking to Nancy through email on Monday, and she said that there should be a letter coming from the career & counseling Center - barring snow - this week, by Friday. So, I'm guessing the orientation letters are on there way, hopefully! Also, she said if I don't get anything by next week's end, that I should email her ( I'm not sure if that applies to only me, though...because I had other questions about my acceptance into the program ). ALSO mentioned, hahah...that the special college planning dates are set for March 10th or 12th, and that we don't get to choose which date or time, it'll be assigned to us, so I guess just check those two dates off

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