Published Jun 9, 2012
298 Posts
Am going to post this here in the hopes that someone has some more info for me. Our small rural school is having a pertussis outbreak. So far there are over 35 confirmed cases in our school district. I am an RN who has very little peds experience, but am dismayed at the lack of response to this.
Am I being super paranoid thinking that more should be done??? The county health dept nurse told me they are going to clean school after state exams and finals and hopes "things will die down over summer". Isn't this a poor response to an infectious and dangerous disease.
lifelearningrn, BSN, RN
2,622 Posts
It's scary that diseases like this can still cause outbreaks when there is a readily available vaccine. At the risk of starting up yet another vaccine debate, I'm going to say that this is what happens when people listen to people who know nothing, like Jenny McCarthy, instead of true epidemiologists, when it comes to vaccinations and disease.
There was a time, not too long ago, when people died from this disease. The elderly and newborns are still very much at risk. It's sad to me the anti-vaccine people are risking vulnerable persons in the population on junk non-science.
137 Posts
The nurses in your community (particularly the county health department nurse!) should be working to educate the public about the availability and safety of available vaccines. I've heard that a big part of the problem is that few people have any experience with so many of these devastating and very preventable diseases. When these vaccines were created I'm sure people were scrambling to get their kids vaccinated and they are probably MUCH safer now than they were then.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
In your post at 0826 you said there were 48 cases of pertussis and now there are 35. Pertussis outbreaks occur across the country every year. Once infected the cough can persist for months.
The CDC estimates that there are epidemic outbreaks every 3-5 years. CDC - Pertussis: Outbreaks
Localized outbreaks of pertussis are not uncommon and occur throughout the year. Some examples of pertussis activity in the US include:
The treatment is with antibiotics and a good cleaning. Outbreaks at middle and high schools can occur as protection from childhood vaccines fades. In school outbreaks, prophylaxis is recommended for close classroom and team contacts — and the pertussis booster vaccine (Tdap) depending on age. Pertussis outbreaks in hospitals and other clinical settings can put infants and other patients at risk.
The Tdap is about 80% effective against infection in infants and children and about 70% effective in adults. It doesn't necessarily prevent infection but will produce a mild form.
CDC - Pertussis (Whooping Cough) homepage
Vaccines and Preventable Diseases:
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Vaccination
Pronounced (per-TUS-iss)
Vaccines: VPD-VAC/Pertussis/main page
I hope this helps.
Thank you it helps some. The numbers are conflicting one nurse in hs said 48 then on tv the superintendent of schools said 35. Most of th
Most of these children that are positive for purtussis have had tdap going into sixth and seventh. I am wondering if we are seeing a mutated strain dt parents that held off on vaccinations.
My frustration is that there is very little communication and all we hear is there are nys state tests and finals. Three teams who went to sectionals in our region had the majority of the first cases. Shouldn't those schools know about the fact they were exposed??
553 Posts
The other schools probably have been informed. The public health network is generally a tight community and are very good at talking to one and other. The fact that you are unaware if other schools were informed does not mean that they were not. There is a ton of public health work that goes on very quietly behind the scenes that people are totally unaware of. There are laws regarding notification and I am sure those laws have been followed.
It seems unlikely that you are seeing a mutated strain- as the testing done would have identified anything unusual. Most likely this is an outbreak, which happens sporadically. Pertussis is endemic in the US. It is not considered eliminated. Here CDC - Pertussis: Outbreaks is some information regarding pertussis and outbreaks. Because Pertussis is reportable to the CDC, your Health dept has already been in contact with them.
Influenza also has periodic outbreaks in students. I wonder if you would be as alarmed at an Influenza outbreak, or if this is more foreign because it is Pertussis.
Thank you for info. I would be alarmed if flu, but would at least
Sorry hit wrong key. I would be alarmed with flu but would expect to hear flu. Never expected to hear pertussis. Did not realize it was going around. Thanks to all who took time to answer my posts :)
As many of the posts have said there are outbreaks every year and are common amongst the late middle/high school years for lessened immunity and that is why they have to have booster immunizations.