Published Jun 17, 2014
42 Posts
do you guys fear that you'll forget everything that you've learned in school ,going into the workforce?
i just feel like its so many things to learn & remember that i might forget certain things
missmollie, ADN, BSN, RN
869 Posts
I still have a year of school left, but we go through everything so fast. I'm sure there will be things that I don't remember completely, but luckily information is at our fingertips. Never hurts to review something you're not sure about, and no one will expect you to know anything. :)
jena5111, ASN, RN
1 Article; 186 Posts
Of course!
But we will all be okay. Nursing school teaches you one way and work might teach you another. Be open-minded, confident, and adaptable. My nursing program is pretty good at emphasizing that they are teaching us ONE way to accomplish a skill that can be achieved in multiple ways, with multiple different types of supplies.
Learn your school's way first and foremost so you can graduate. Then figure out what your employer wants later on. You got this!
rob4546, BSN, MSN
1,023 Posts
AHHHHHH!!!! You cursed me!!! You had to talk about this!!!!! I start Thursday and now I am worried!!!!!!
268 Posts
Reality check! Yes, you'll forget things. But you will know more than you think you do. Besides, all nursing school does is make you safe enough so that you don't kill everyone you touch. That is the bottom line.
Good news: hiring managers know this! They like this! They get to mold you into the nurse they desire and require. To them, you are a blank canvas (albeit a safe blank canvas). You'll get the support you need via training and mentoring. They'll start you with easier patients, and smaller workloads.
The next thing you know, you'll be a super awesome nurse and you'll look back at this post and laugh.
1 Article; 1,265 Posts
78 Posts
Yes. The only thing that keeps those fears at bay is reading posts on hear from veteran nurses talking about how you don't really learn anything until you get your first job. I'm going to make sure during my first interviews to ask about what kind of training/orientation the employers provide too! I definitely take my clinical grades more seriously than my test grades, though, because hearing from my instructors how I am doing gives me more confidence in my ability as a future nurse. 1 more year!
here* ugh typo, sorry thats just embarrassing.
18 Posts
Most hospitals have lengthy orientations that explain their policies and I've heard from many nurses that the days of "eating their young" so to speak are over, so there is always someone to go to for help if you do by chance forget something. Remember, its never wrong to ask for clarification if you need it, especially when lives are in your hands.
139 Posts
What I have always heard and how I see it is that college first and foremost teaches you how to learn your field, they also teach you how to be safe, for yourself and others, which is one of the reasons that clinicals are important.
Of course you won't remember everything right away, but you will be experienced with the information so that when you do have to look something up you will understand it more effectively than an untrained person would.