Performance Appraisal Goals

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Can someone direct me to examples of performance appraisal goals? I just received mine, along with a sticky note to add/change what I want. Well, I feel the "goals" are not related to my position, irrelevant and take on a twinge of a personal attack (based on some things that have been happening here lately).

Can these goals be "legally binding" or otherwise in anyway? I refuse to sign the way they are written now!


Elaborate please.

I am seeking some written examples of Performance Goals that you have used yourself (for your own performance appraisal) for nursing (or non-nursing) jobs. I realize goals are specific to that individual and their position, but I am hoping it will give me some direction.


Specializes in med surg.

Some of the things I have used are:

Will have 20 contact hours by next evaluation.

Will test for orthopedic nursing certification.

Will partcipate in a shared gov committee

suni said:
Some of the things I have used are:

Will have 20 contact hours by next evaluation.

Will test for orthopedic nursing certification.

Will partcipate in a shared gov committee

That's what I am talking 'bout! My understanding of "Performance Appraisal Goals" is they are:

  1. To be mutually developed and agreed upon between supervisor and employee.
  2. Typically follow the acronym SMART (specific, measurable, attainable and relevant).
  3. Should avoid the use of personal traits (integrity, loyalty, honesty etc.). My supervisor listed that I would "assist others in maintaining a positive outlook". Really????

Thanks all!

Retire or win the lottery.

Specializes in Rural Health.

These were mine:

To take the drug screening class

To attend PALS

To obtain 24 hours of trauma CEU's

Mine had to be written so they could be objectively looked at and measured. It would be hard to measure one's ability to "assist others in maintaining a positive outlook".

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
My supervisor listed that I would "assist others in maintaining a positive outlook".

Rephrase to:

"Help maintain a positive working environment by serving as resource for staff and setting positive tone on unit."

I focus on ONE issue that's been effecting entire department along with individual's performance.

Year email became available and I had staff tell me they were too busy to use it, easier to leave a voicemail:

"All staff will become proficient at viewing, sending and replying to emails regarding intake referral issues."

Within 6 months all staff proficient and became main means communication as can track what/when issue sent or resolved.

Last years goal was:

RN's will directly enter homecare referrals into database instead of hand writing by 12/31/07. Full time RN's will assist orienting perdiem RN's in direct computer entry so all proficient by 12/31/07.

Need to stop work redundancy with clerk having to manually reenter.

2 RN's continue to hand write referrals at times, issue I've verbally counselled them about and will be reflected with unsatisfactory rating on eval this week.

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