Pennsylvania Nurse Charged in Deaths of 17 Patients.

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Already in custody for deaths of two patients, Heather Pressdee, 41 was charged in connection with 17 other deaths that occurred at various facilities where she was previously employed.

Former nurse Pressdee's MO was to use insulin injections to cause death. If and or when dosage did not bring about desired results quickly enough or at all she either flushed ports with fluid to bring on an embolism, or just injected air via a syringe. 

Examining state's criminal complaint against Pressdee's employment record many things stand out. 

Licensed in 2018 almost at once she was written up for "dosing insulin by herself and not following doctor's orders when it came to amount of insulin patient was supposed to receive."  by her first employer Encompass Health and Rehabilitation.  Her superiors worried that Pressdee was "making up" insulin doses and was actively attempting to harm patients. She was reprimanded and soon left after being employed barely six months.

PA suspended Pressdee's RN license "indefinitely" back in Summer of 2023. Despite extensive displinary actions taken by nearly every place former nurse Pressdee was employed state BON had no official record of reports or other actions.

Top counts of first-degree murder can carry capital punishment (death penalty) in PA. Pressdee has hired two of best criminal attorneys in state who are trying their best to see the woman does not face capital murder charges. 

Her attorneys state that Ms. Pressdee does feel "remorse" and that there is more to the story which will "come out later.."

Specializes in Mixed med ICU, Critical Care, EMT-B.

Wow. Just Wow!  Hired to several place without background checks,  sometimes as an assistant DON. Management ignoring patterns & concerns.  No reporting to the BON. This woman sounds highly manipulative, able to convince herself she was doing right & others that "things happen" with definite psych issues.   There is a special place in hell for this lady.  

SnickRN BSN RN CCRN said:

Wow. Just Wow!  Hired to several place without background checks,  sometimes as an assistant DON. Management ignoring patterns & concerns.  No reporting to the BON. This woman sounds highly manipulative, able to convince herself she was doing right & others that "things happen" with definite psych issues.   There is a special place in hell for this lady.  

Compared to former nurse Charles Cullen (confessed to killing 40 patients, charged in deaths of 29, and suspected in deaths of 100 or more), Heather Pressdee was stopped comparatively quickly.

Still death trained behind this woman like a loyal puppy.  Whenever or wherever she was on duty patients died. This went on for two years, which while shorter period of time than Mr. Cullen's over twenty still is disturbing.


Johnathan Howard Hayes was stopped after two patient deaths (again using insulin).

It was risk management team for Wake Forest Baptist Hospital who blew the whistle on Mr. Hayes.  How ever the man was a professional nurse for over twenty years. Did he suddenly begin his murderous and wired behaviour recently?




DoGoodThenGo said:

Already in custody for deaths of two patients, Heather Pressdee, 41 was charged in connection with 17 other deaths that occurred at various facilities where she was previously employed.

Former nurse Pressdee's MO was to use insulin injections to cause death. If and or when dosage did not bring about desired results quickly enough or at all she either flushed ports with fluid to bring on an embolism, or just injected air via a syringe. 

Examining state's criminal complaint against Pressdee's employment record many things stand out. 

Licensed in 2018 almost at once she was written up for "dosing insulin by herself and not following doctor's orders when it came to amount of insulin patient was supposed to receive."  by her first employer Encompass Health and Rehabilitation.  Her superiors worried that Pressdee was "making up" insulin doses and was actively attempting to harm patients. She was reprimanded and soon left after being employed barely six months.

PA suspended Pressdee's RN license "indefinitely" back in Summer of 2023. Despite extensive displinary actions taken by nearly every place former nurse Pressdee was employed state BON had no official record of reports or other actions.

Top counts of first-degree murder can carry capital punishment (death penalty) in PA. Pressdee has hired two of best criminal attorneys in state who are trying their best to see the woman does not face capital murder charges. 

Her attorneys state that Ms. Pressdee does feel "remorse" and that there is more to the story which will "come out later.."


its crazy to see the stuff coming out.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Pennsylvania Nurse Pleads Guilty 

Heather Pressdee pled guilty to 3 charges of first degree murder and 19 counts of attempt to commit murder. Sentenced to 3 consecutive life sentences plus up to another 760 years.

Rose_Queen said:

Pennsylvania Nurse Pleads Guilty 

Heather Pressdee pled guilty to 3 charges of first degree murder and 19 counts of attempt to commit murder. Sentenced to 3 consecutive life sentences plus up to another 760 years.

Well, that's that. 

Didn't think they were going to bring back hanging just for Heather Pressdee, though it is a pity a bit of public flogging couldn't have been managed. 

Strong words? Perhaps, but one becomes exasperated when yet again another professional nurse who is either evil, and or a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket, went about offing patients in her/his charge. 

For a nurse to lose one patient within a definite period of time may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose two or more looks like either carelessness or something else. 

From almost first moment Ms. Pressdee began her career as a professional nurse her supervisors noted and wrote her up for abuses regarding insulin.  Sadly, as per the woman was simply allowed to resign with nothing reported to state BON and pick up where she left off elsewhere.

One would think after Charles Cullen, another serial killer nurse who was active in PA, that state itself and or healthcare facilities would have learned something. Alas that does not seem to be the case.

As with Charles Cullen it was nurses and physicians who noticed death trailing behind Ms. Pressdee like a loyal puppy. Some spoke up to administration and or even filed official complaints. As with Mr. Cullen those actions largely went nowhere and or took ages before state acted, in meanwhile patients in Ms. Pressdee's care continued dying suspicious deaths.





Rose_Queen said:

Pennsylvania Nurse Pleads Guilty 

Heather Pressdee pled guilty to 3 charges of first degree murder and 19 counts of attempt to commit murder. Sentenced to 3 consecutive life sentences plus up to another 760 years.

As charged Ms. Pressdee faced capital murder charges. In PA that conviction carries with it death sentence on paper. However, in reality Pennsylvania has 100 inmates on death row and hasn't executed anyone since 1999.  In fact, a moratorium has been in place against executions since 2015.

One guesses Ms. Pressdee's lawyers advised her to plead guilty and take what seems a very harsh sentence. This as opposed to be on death row not knowing for certain when or if PA will resume executing convicted murders.

Specializes in nursing ethics.

What is the motive?  Or insanity?

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