does pearsonvue trick works in california nclex?

Nursing Students NCLEX


hi everyone. i took nclex last june 17. on the following day, i tried the pearsonvue trick. it was never successful. i always got an error page after more or less 10 tries.. this day, i tried it again, i was able to re-register up the credit card information. i was so worried because there has been several posts thats says, if you will get an error page you PASSED but if you are being pushed through the credit card part, you FAILED. in my case, i got both results. DOES this work with california? or to states only who have quick results?:crying2: HELP!!!

i took my exam on oct. 27 and got my results on oct. 30. and had the good pop up! now im officially an RN!! :D

There has been enough said about this on the internet, that I am waiting for the coders to disable this trick. What you view as a trick, I view as shady and I don't think that the NCLEX writers intend for you to "trick" the computer program into telling you the results. Seriously when I think of this the thought crosses my mind that it should be an automatic fail if you try to hack the program that's testing you.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble Indi. This is not a trick. Someone trying to get their results when they are already completed is not shady. Def of SHADY: Nursing student in CALIFORNIA graduates. Sends all paperwork out ahead of time. Waits 12 WEEKS to receive ATT (authorization to test) code. Sure within that time-spand you can study up a storm however you forget all your clinical experience neither can not practice your knowledge in a clinical setting. When the most stressful day rolls around you go in to take your test. Once you are completed, the computer already knows whether you passed or failed. However you can not get your results till 4+ later, however like other states they participate in quick results, California does not. Now here you are waiting 4+ weeks waiting to receive your results stressing like crazy. Not knowing whether you should keep studying and retest or start looking for a nursing job so you can pay your $40,000+ nursing school loans on top of your bills and Ridiculously HIGH NCLEX FEES! Now why don't you redefine your definition of shady and point it towards California's FEE's and Laziness. Please get a dictionary and redefine your definition of hacking as well. Now paying California another $200 bucks out of your pocket to retest is not hacking the system.

pvt did work for me; i took my boards on 02/05/11 at 1400, stops at question # 190 (lots of sata, pharm & prioritize)...thought i failed and three to four hrs later, i did the pvt; " our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. please contact your member board for further assistance. another registration cannot be made at this time" came up. since it's a weekend, i questioned its authenticity. i kept on doing it over again and the same message kept on coming. kept my fingers crossed and stating being 'nervous' would be an understatement! 45hrs later, on monday morning at 1100, i checked the mn bon, passed shown by my name...:yeah:and all :) !!! relieved at last!

congrats to all the new rns! and good luck to all who are on the way to become one!

Since you enjoy calling out names, it's well known that I have a friend who works there and I use to. To back up your claim about them being lazy, try calling all 50 US Boards and find out how many other than CA will approve people with paid experience. You'll find NONE so therefore, all those in the other 50 states who don't qualify through education come to CA to apply. When I worked there, there were approximately 75 accredited schools, now there are 300 but yet they have only been approved for one additional evaluator. So figure in all the paid experience people applying and all the foreign plus those graduating from those 300 schools and you let me know exactly how quickly 3 evaluators can get it all done. In CA everyone is in to "reduce those state workers, we don't need them" but yet, everyone complains when they have to wait for the LVN or DMV (and yes, I have had to wait 2 hours at DMV myself). If you had any clue how many applicatons they get, how many results, the new laws on fingerprinting, you would quit. The legislature enacts new procedures on fingerprinting licensee's from years ago during their renewal but, alas.........they make no provisions for hiring new people to handle it. So, who do you think handles the extra work? The employees who are already there.

So, before you start calling people lazy..........go find out exactly what is being done there. Go look at the workload and the number of employees. Tell people to quit trying to circumvent the educational requirements by lying that they went to a brick and mortar school when actually they went through distance learning. I am so glad that I do not work there any longer. People open their mouths and call others names when I can guarantee you that you have never been to the office and saw the workload and saw the number of employees before calling names. It's just easy, I know to call a state worker lazy. I guess it makes you feel better. I woud NOT work there if they had instant results because then you would get all the people who demand a license TODAY and don't feel they should wait in line but want to be put in front of others. CA has made it NO secret that it takes 6-8 weeks for evaluation time and 4-6 weeks for results. It's printed everywhere since I was there 8 years ago. If you graduate from a CA accredited school, those applications are priority and done within 4 weeks for the reason you gave (clinicals completed, test taking). There is ZERO way to get them done any earlier as there are 3 cashiers to cashier all fees including applications, retakes, renewals, endorsements, transcript fees. That takes a minimum 5-7 days, then files are made with the numerial system and put into the appropriate areas to be evaluated. Keep in mind, any given week there could be 50 new or 400 new applications for 3 evaluators. Plus, the same 3 evaluators have to evaluate the deficiency mail received which could be 15-50 pieces a day. Plus, all the phone calls of "I sent in my stuff a week ago, did you get it?". Send items to a govenmental agency return receipt please. People who call and say they don't understand their letter. What is so hard about...the Board is requiring you to obtain a full educational report from CGFNS and here's their information? Or this one, your supervisor did not indicate their license number on the employment verification form. What's so hard about understanding that one????

So, before you start calling someone lazy, at least have the facts or quit spewing the crap you believe about state workers. BTW,if you are a CA Graduate, you shouldn't be waiting 12 weeks for an ATT. If so, that means YOUR school didn't send in the apps timely which happens quite often. Schools don't always tell the truth when they send the applications. Don't get me started on those who have no idea what their legal name is. USE THE NAME THAT'S ON YOUR PICTURE ID WITH THE BOARD AND WITH PEARSON VUE.

You are one reason why I left that Board. No idea of what the work enviroment is but quick to call names.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble Indi. This is not a trick. Someone trying to get their results when they are already completed is not shady. Def of SHADY: Nursing student in CALIFORNIA graduates. Sends all paperwork out ahead of time. Waits 12 WEEKS to receive ATT (authorization to test) code. Sure within that time-spand you can study up a storm however you forget all your clinical experience neither can not practice your knowledge in a clinical setting. When the most stressful day rolls around you go in to take your test. Once you are completed, the computer already knows whether you passed or failed. However you can not get your results till 4+ later, however like other states they participate in quick results, California does not. Now here you are waiting 4+ weeks waiting to receive your results stressing like crazy. Not knowing whether you should keep studying and retest or start looking for a nursing job so you can pay your $40,000+ nursing school loans on top of your bills and Ridiculously HIGH NCLEX FEES! Now why don't you redefine your definition of shady and point it towards California's FEE's and Laziness. Please get a dictionary and redefine your definition of hacking as well. Now paying California another $200 bucks out of your pocket to retest is not hacking the system.

Also, since you have your "dictionary". CA doesn't charge the high NCLEX fees. You don't really want to talk fees do you since you know everything??? The BVNPT is a self supporting Board which means they are not supported by your taxes. Now, since we already had the discussion of not enough employees, how do you think the Board can hire more employees to get within the time frame you have decided is not being lazy? Oh wait, that would mean more money coming into the Board. And how would that be accomplished with a self supporting Board? Higher fees. We are already cramped to the gills so hiring more would mean a new location which means moving fees, new employee fees, etc. So, you can't have the perfect world you want with low fees, quick results. Go to South Dakota where someone told me once they got their application approved in 2 days. They have 2000 licensee's in the entire state! CA has 50,000 plus 1200 a month applying. Figure in all those getting approved that month plus all the retakes and your head would spin. So figure it out with your dictionary, keep costs down, hire new employees? Take your pick but you can't have it all. Or you can contact your legislature to change the law to quit allowing paid experience and those who do not live within CA to apply. I dare you, call other states to see what they accept and then read the laws of what CA accepts. It would baffle your mind. But then, that would give you information and make you seem a little silly by calling people names.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble Indi. This is not a trick. Someone trying to get their results when they are already completed is not shady. Def of SHADY: Nursing student in CALIFORNIA graduates. Sends all paperwork out ahead of time. Waits 12 WEEKS to receive ATT (authorization to test) code. Sure within that time-spand you can study up a storm however you forget all your clinical experience neither can not practice your knowledge in a clinical setting. When the most stressful day rolls around you go in to take your test. Once you are completed, the computer already knows whether you passed or failed. However you can not get your results till 4+ later, however like other states they participate in quick results, California does not. Now here you are waiting 4+ weeks waiting to receive your results stressing like crazy. Not knowing whether you should keep studying and retest or start looking for a nursing job so you can pay your $40,000+ nursing school loans on top of your bills and Ridiculously HIGH NCLEX FEES! Now why don't you redefine your definition of shady and point it towards California's FEE's and Laziness. Please get a dictionary and redefine your definition of hacking as well. Now paying California another $200 bucks out of your pocket to retest is not hacking the system.
Also, since you have your "dictionary". CA doesn't charge the high NCLEX fees. You don't really want to talk fees do you since you know everything??? The BVNPT is a self supporting Board which means they are not supported by your taxes. Now, since we already had the discussion of not enough employees, how do you think the Board can hire more employees to get within the time frame you have decided is not being lazy? Oh wait, that would mean more money coming into the Board. And how would that be accomplished with a self supporting Board? Higher fees. We are already cramped to the gills so hiring more would mean a new location which means moving fees, new employee fees, etc. So, you can't have the perfect world you want with low fees, quick results. Go to South Dakota where someone told me once they got their application approved in 2 days. They have 2000 licensee's in the entire state! CA has 50,000 plus 1200 a month applying. Figure in all those getting approved that month plus all the retakes and your head would spin. So figure it out with your dictionary, keep costs down, hire new employees? Take your pick but you can't have it all. Or you can contact your legislature to change the law to quit allowing paid experience and those who do not live within CA to apply. I dare you, call other states to see what they accept and then read the laws of what CA accepts. It would baffle your mind. But then, that would give you information and make you seem a little silly by calling people names.

Sasyone Sorry but you should actually work with the boards before you say you do. I work with the Boards and have for years. We have dramastically high fee's on top of being short staffed. He has a point here. I've seen how other states regulate, A lot better then California! Ya, South Dakota has a less amount of nurses (BY THE WAY THEY HAVE OVER 10,000 & COUNTING). However there fees are less and the people aren't complaining! Now if you get our fee's PLUS OUR RATIO OF NURSES TESTING THAT YOU SUPPLIED YOU GET $300 multiplied by the 50,000 people you get $15,000,000 (thats not including the 1200/month plus restesters). So if were clearing over $20,000,000 in testing and license application fee's why are we short staffed?? Now if we have South Dakota over here in the right hand and California in the left hand. Now South Dakota has a shorter staffing ratio to testing ratio (and they get the job done). Where California has a higher staffing ratio to testing ratio plus higher fee's (And we can't get the job done). Now you know what, if we hand this over the South Dakota with the crazy amount of income we have they will get the job done with the quick of ease. However California has too many politics! Thats what makes it hard. California is RIDICULOUS! Thats why we are in so much debt! Now When you say see what others states except vs what CA EXCEPTS YA IT EVEN BAFFLES MY MIND (BEING A STATE EMPLOYEE)! IT BAFFLES MY MIND ON HOW RIDIDULOUS CA REGULATIONS ARE! WE WASTE. NOW TO FINISH THIS OFF FOR EVERYONE TO KNOW YES I HAVE PLENTY OF LAZY EMPLOYEES AND I MUST ADMIT IT IS HARD TO FIND A GOOD HARD WORKING EMPLOYEE FROM MY EXPERIENCE HERE IN CALIFORNIA. I HAVE FIRED MANY EMPLOYEES FROM SITTING AT THEIR DESK WHILE IM AT A MEETING ON FACEBOOK AND MYSPACE OR ONLINE SHOPPING WHILE THESE NURSES HAVE FAMILIES WAITING FOR THEIR LICENSE SO THEY GET A JOB TO FEED THEIR KIDS AND PAY THEIR RIDICULOUS BILLS. I HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT GOOD WORK IS HARD TO FIND IN CALIFORNIA.

also, since you have your "dictionary". Ca doesn't charge the high nclex fees. You don't really want to talk fees do you since you know everything??? The bvnpt is a self supporting board which means they are not supported by your taxes. Now, since we already had the discussion of not enough employees, how do you think the board can hire more employees to get within the time frame you have decided is not being lazy? Oh wait, that would mean more money coming into the board. And how would that be accomplished with a self supporting board? Higher fees. We are already cramped to the gills so hiring more would mean a new location which means moving fees, new employee fees, etc. So, you can't have the perfect world you want with low fees, quick results. Go to south dakota where someone told me once they got their application approved in 2 days. They have 2000 licensee's in the entire state! Ca has 50,000 plus 1200 a month applying. Figure in all those getting approved that month plus all the retakes and your head would spin. So figure it out with your dictionary, keep costs down, hire new employees? Take your pick but you can't have it all. Or you can contact your legislature to change the law to quit allowing paid experience and those who do not live within ca to apply. I dare you, call other states to see what they accept and then read the laws of what ca accepts. It would baffle your mind. But then, that would give you information and make you seem a little silly by calling people names.

he sure does have his dictionary present. Do you!? Like i said why dont you calculate the fee's of testing with the "high amount of test takers" and see what that comes out to. Ya it means the boards are clearing over 20,000,000 (not including other accessory fees). Now with 20million+ i think the boards can hack out extra employees.

since you enjoy calling out names, it's well known that i have a friend who works there and i use to. To back up your claim about them being lazy, try calling all 50 us boards and find out how many other than ca will approve people with paid experience. You'll find none so therefore, all those in the other 50 states who don't qualify through education come to ca to apply. When i worked there, there were approximately 75 accredited schools, now there are 300 but yet they have only been approved for one additional evaluator. So figure in all the paid experience people applying and all the foreign plus those graduating from those 300 schools and you let me know exactly how quickly 3 evaluators can get it all done. In ca everyone is in to "reduce those state workers, we don't need them" but yet, everyone complains when they have to wait for the lvn or dmv (and yes, i have had to wait 2 hours at dmv myself). If you had any clue how many applicatons they get, how many results, the new laws on fingerprinting, you would quit. The legislature enacts new procedures on fingerprinting licensee's from years ago during their renewal but, alas.........they make no provisions for hiring new people to handle it. So, who do you think handles the extra work? The employees who are already there.

So, before you start calling people lazy..........go find out exactly what is being done there. Go look at the workload and the number of employees. Tell people to quit trying to circumvent the educational requirements by lying that they went to a brick and mortar school when actually they went through distance learning. I am so glad that i do not work there any longer. People open their mouths and call others names when i can guarantee you that you have never been to the office and saw the workload and saw the number of employees before calling names. It's just easy, i know to call a state worker lazy. I guess it makes you feel better. I woud not work there if they had instant results because then you would get all the people who demand a license today and don't feel they should wait in line but want to be put in front of others. Ca has made it no secret that it takes 6-8 weeks for evaluation time and 4-6 weeks for results. It's printed everywhere since i was there 8 years ago. If you graduate from a ca accredited school, those applications are priority and done within 4 weeks for the reason you gave (clinicals completed, test taking). There is zero way to get them done any earlier as there are 3 cashiers to cashier all fees including applications, retakes, renewals, endorsements, transcript fees. That takes a minimum 5-7 days, then files are made with the numerial system and put into the appropriate areas to be evaluated. Keep in mind, any given week there could be 50 new or 400 new applications for 3 evaluators. Plus, the same 3 evaluators have to evaluate the deficiency mail received which could be 15-50 pieces a day. Plus, all the phone calls of "i sent in my stuff a week ago, did you get it?". Send items to a govenmental agency return receipt please. People who call and say they don't understand their letter. What is so hard about...the board is requiring you to obtain a full educational report from cgfns and here's their information? Or this one, your supervisor did not indicate their license number on the employment verification form. What's so hard about understanding that one????

So, before you start calling someone lazy, at least have the facts or quit spewing the crap you believe about state workers. Btw,if you are a ca graduate, you shouldn't be waiting 12 weeks for an att. If so, that means your school didn't send in the apps timely which happens quite often. Schools don't always tell the truth when they send the applications. Don't get me started on those who have no idea what their legal name is. Use the name that's on your picture id with the board and with pearson vue.

You are one reason why i left that board. No idea of what the work enviroment is but quick to call names.

you know what how about instead of hacking out extra to give us state workers less workload. Why don't we just put blocks on all the socializing networks (ie facebook & myspace) maybe then we can get the lazy ones to get their job done. So then i don't have to waste my time trying to catch employees wasting their time chatting.

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