Published Sep 12, 2014
11 Posts
i took my test at 8am and stopped at 95 questions. im almost positive i failed, i entered my CC info and hit submit and it popped up saying " sorry your already registered to take this exam,something along those lines" just wondering if its still acurate.
3 Posts
Took my nclex today with 180 questions
tried the trick and filled out cc info and hit submit and did not get the good pop up and I was-devastated
then got an email from the Bon saying I passed looked my name up and there was my license...
the trick does not always work I am living proof
so did it charge you the $200
what state do you live in that you get results that quick
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
To both Roxy and CCalkins:
In late August, the PVT changed. Or you could say the 'trick' as you knew it was eliminated; PearsonVue updated their software at that time.
People attempting 'the trick' will now ALWAYS be directed to the credit card page. For those who wish to risk a $200 investment, you might find that you can't proceed AFTER putting in your credit card number. That, to most doing this thing, indicates a passing result.
HOWEVER: You do risk being charged $200 even IF you passed, because you went ahead and put in a credit card number. Kinda obvious, I think, but some people....wel, some people can't be explained.
if your State participates in Quick Results, you can find out that way for certain if you passed the exam. Otherwise, you can play with the 'trick' scenario as described....and be prepared to pony up the $200 if you failed....or passed.
156 Posts
My friend received his letter yesterday that he passed and he did the PVT trick and couldn't process it.
40 Posts
Hi wat happend to your friends pvt? Coz i tried mine using unactivated cc.. And said "your payment was declined"