This will be my last week. There's one client's family I'm particularly concerned about. It's been forever since they've had a day nurse ...I've been working at their home for maybe 3 weeks? They're well aware of my agency's tendency to pull nurses off a case at the drop of a hat so they're prepared for me to possibly leave. They also say they don't blame me if I found something better and that paid more. They are always saying though how nice it is to have someone around to help. Apparently they never get a break and when they do get sent a nurse apparently they are always ding bats (according to them idk! Haha) and theyre thankful to have me around. Let's just say working these cases and my agency in general has been hell and I'm SO excited to leave. But of course I feel bad. (Not that it's stopping me at all! Stoked for my new job!)
But do I tell the fam I'm leaving? Do I just smile and wave bye everyday then don't come back? What does the agency say to them and when do they say something? What do I say if asked?
I'm new to PDN / HH so idk how this works. Can anyone tell me from their experience?