PCT jobs harder than they once were?

Nursing Students Technicians


I heard a couple RNs talking at work the other night. They were really experienced RNs who mainly do vascular procedures like PICC lines throughout the hospital, and they were discussing a tech who wound up with a bloody nose after getting punched by a patient, AFTER having a urinal poured on her by a different patient(what a shift eh). Both had started out as Nurse assistants in a hospital over 30 years ago.

According to both of them, the patient care has gotten ten times harder than when they first started out in Nursing, and the workload for techs in particular has gotten a lot worse. They said they feel so bad for the techs they see on the floors and don't remember it ever being as bad as it is now.

I thought it was mainly just THIS hospital, which is notorious for being a great place to work as an RN and a horrible place to work as a tech(so say the RNs who once worked there as techs). Is this pretty much the case everywhere, has the job for techs just gotten much harder than it once was? Is this because of the bad economy and the fact there are so many more people applying for every tech job?

I feel like the attitude is the techs are looked at like horses, and they just ride them to death and switch to another one. A new tech I was orienteering worked in the corporate world before deciding to do a career change into nursing and work as a tech while in school. She was honest, and said the job seems so much more stressful and difficult than what she expected and worse than anything shed experienced before. I think the tech with the bloody nose freaked her out. I tried to comfort her by telling her I've never had a urinal poured on me and been punched in the face during the same shift.

Sorry but if you need your techs to "do more" maybe your time management sucks

I don't know how to put this more clearly, but if you go back and reread my posts I said that I have no need for techs (secondary to their poor work ethic and attitude). I also said that I am good enough at my job that I can do my own work as well as the work of a tech. I don't need my techs to "do more" as you state, in fact I don't need them at all. So... wouldn't this imply that since I can do the job of a nurse and a tech that my time management is pretty good? I mean, we're talking pretty basic deduction here...

Can you please quote where I stated that because of the useless techs on my unit that I am not satisfied with my job?

Can I implore you to please grow up. The fact that you are playing into the whole mob mentality and piggybacking on other people's posts that disagree with me, as well as liking any posts that disagree with anything I have said, is evidence that you are clearly very immature. I'm sorry, but I don't have time for people that act the way you do.

How can you be satisfied with your job when you work on a unit with lack of team players, you are the one complaining, so that is not what I call job satisfaction. Piggybacking how funny you say that because if you go back and reread my earlier comments you responded to me and others that replied to you, because you can't handle how people disagree with you. That attitude you got is called egotistical by the way lol. By reading your comments it seems you are the immature one, just reading your responses gives me the giggles on your superior attitude. Your feelings for me leave me empty since I don't know you. you can't seem to handle criticism so you use rudeness to others, but that's how it is with egotistical people. Actually you may be a very nice person, who knows, but by the way you are treating others on here, we are only saying that your attitude may be the reason you have lazy techs.

I bet you're just gods gift to nursing. You don't even NEED techs? Wow. Please, teach me of your ways.

Teach me how to get techs to run when I ask for help. Teach me how to tell them they don't need to learn anything or expand their knowledge in any sense.

I did in fact go back and read all of your posts. A good nurse is also a good teacher and team mate, even if that just means BEING a good example to those who may want to be a nurse some day.

I know techs who put some nurses to shame in ALOT of areas. I am so thankful for their help and I don't hesitate to thank them every time they do help me.

They COULD just do vitals, and Ya know they could get a blood pressure of 209/97 and not call me about it, but they do. You know why? Because they respect me and I respect them.

You can create excuses but you've gotta be one hell of a person to work with.

I bet you're just gods gift to nursing. You don't even NEED techs? Wow. Please, teach me of your ways.

Teach me how to get techs to run when I ask for help. Teach me how to tell them they don't need to learn anything or expand their knowledge in any sense.

I did in fact go back and read all of your posts. A good nurse is also a good teacher and team mate, even if that just means BEING a good example to those who may want to be a nurse some day.

I know techs who put some nurses to shame in ALOT of areas. I am so thankful for their help and I don't hesitate to thank them every time they do help me.

They COULD just do vitals, and Ya know they could get a blood pressure of 209/97 and not call me about it, but they do. You know why? Because they respect me and I respect them.

You can create excuses but you've gotta be one hell of a person to work with.

You are an example of an excellent nurse. I admire you for realizing a good nurse is also a good teacher. You are a team player. I bet you have the respect of all your coworkers. The unit I work in as a PCT, the nurses like to teach me stuff, and always always say thanks for your help as I leave at end of shift. They don't have to thank me, but they do and it has given me so much respect for each nurse I work with because they are team players and we all have one goal and that's to deliver excellent patient care.

I bet you're just gods gift to nursing. You don't even NEED techs? Wow. Please, teach me of your ways.

Teach me how to get techs to run when I ask for help. Teach me how to tell them they don't need to learn anything or expand their knowledge in any sense.

I did in fact go back and read all of your posts. A good nurse is also a good teacher and team mate, even if that just means BEING a good example to those who may want to be a nurse some day.

I know techs who put some nurses to shame in ALOT of areas. I am so thankful for their help and I don't hesitate to thank them every time they do help me.

They COULD just do vitals, and Ya know they could get a blood pressure of 209/97 and not call me about it, but they do. You know why? Because they respect me and I respect them.

You can create excuses but you've gotta be one hell of a person to work with.

Nope, I have no use for techs at all. Yesterday I did a 12 hour shift and the tech that was scheduled didn't even show up for work. Did I miss a beat or even think twice about it? Nope. Did it affect me because the tech didn't show up? Nope. Was I able to provide exceptional care to all of my patients? You bet! Because I do total care for ALL of my patients. But oh no, you'll say. How could I possibly do my work without a tech? I mean, I should have just turned around and went home because the tech didn't show up, right? Get real.

This is a prime example of why I feel like techs are useless. Half the time they don't even show up for work. The other half they can barely do their job adequately.

I've had techs in the past do VS and get insanely high BP's and not even mention it to me. Guess who is on the hook for that? Me. Because even though they did the VS it's still my responsibility to know everything about my patients. Well, I decided I'm done playing that game. We use EHR and when something is out of range it even shows up in red, you don't even have to KNOW that the numbers are abnormal, the computer tells you. And they still can't remember to tell the nurses.

I'm done arguing about this. If you want to be a tech, good for you. Hope you're happy working for minimum wage. I'm an exceptional nurse and I'll say it again... I have absolutely no need whatsoever for techs. If you have a need for techs, then maybe you should work on your time management and put on your big boy pants when you go to work. Saying there's a need for techs is like saying that there's a need for people to pump your gas for you. I hate to break the bad news, but there is no need for that because you can pump your own gas. Unless you're just lazy and can't manage your time, hence your reliance on techs.

EDIT: By the way, respect is earned, not given. And I know this lifelong tech savannah is going to say that the techs don't show up to work because of me. They probably like working with me because they don't have to do anything for any of my patients. So they can sit on their phones and play candy crush some more. Techs are not professionals; there is no educational or licensure requirement for being a tech. I could probably grab some random person off the street and teach them to be a tech in about 2 hours. And wait for it, I surmise that within 1 or 2 posts savannah will chime in and tell me about my ego again because he/she can't be happy unless he/she gets the last word in.

You are an example of an excellent nurse. I admire you for realizing a good nurse is also a good teacher. You are a team player. I bet you have the respect of all your coworkers. The unit I work in as a PCT, the nurses like to teach me stuff, and always always say thanks for your help as I leave at end of shift. They don't have to thank me, but they do and it has given me so much respect for each nurse I work with because they are team players and we all have one goal and that's to deliver excellent patient care.

This goes to show how uneducated and ignorant you are. You don't even know this person yet you know that he/she is an example of an excellent nurse. Best wishes being a lifelong tech.

This goes to show how uneducated and ignorant you are. You don't even know this person yet you know that he/she is an example of an excellent nurse. Best wishes being a lifelong tech.

See theirs the arrogance again. I've read enough of your posts to know your not a team player. And I love my job as PCT and do hope I'm a lifelong tech. I'm doing exactly the job I want to do, I have no desire to be a nurse, my siblings are RN's and I have no desire to be one because I don't need the money or the responsibility I'm financially well off enough to be satisfied with my current job or not work at all If I decide to. I do hope you learned a little from crossfitnurse post on how to be a great nurse. I'm betting she has the respect of all her coworkers. Your nasty comments back are not worth my time anymore, one can't change someone's arrogance such as yours until that person realizes they are not respected by their peers. I do hope you don't treat your patients like you do those who disagree with you. You don't belong in the RN category because you lack compassion for others and eventually you will lose that job if you don't become a team player. Oh and by the way, your to funny you said I have to have the last word in, yet you are the one who can't drop it, go back through the thread, anyone who disagreed with you, you turned ugly on them LOL. By the way to show you I'm a lady, you are not worth me responding anymore because like I said egotistical people don't listen, they argue when disagreed with. I do wish you well, I just can't agree with your way of disrespecting others and say I think it's ok because it's not.

Nope, I have no use for techs at all. Yesterday I did a 12 hour shift and the tech that was scheduled didn't even show up for work. Did I miss a beat or even think twice about it? Nope. Did it affect me because the tech didn't show up? Nope. Was I able to provide exceptional care to all of my patients? You bet! Because I do total care for ALL of my patients. But oh no, you'll say. How could I possibly do my work without a tech? I mean, I should have just turned around and went home because the tech didn't show up, right? Get real.

This is a prime example of why I feel like techs are useless. Half the time they don't even show up for work. The other half they can barely do their job adequately.

I've had techs in the past do VS and get insanely high BP's and not even mention it to me. Guess who is on the hook for that? Me. Because even though they did the VS it's still my responsibility to know everything about my patients. Well, I decided I'm done playing that game. We use EHR and when something is out of range it even shows up in red, you don't even have to KNOW that the numbers are abnormal, the computer tells you. And they still can't remember to tell the nurses.

I'm done arguing about this. If you want to be a tech, good for you. Hope you're happy working for minimum wage. I'm an exceptional nurse and I'll say it again... I have absolutely no need whatsoever for techs. If you have a need for techs, then maybe you should work on your time management and put on your big boy pants when you go to work. Saying there's a need for techs is like saying that there's a need for people to pump your gas for you. I hate to break the bad news, but there is no need for that because you can pump your own gas. Unless you're just lazy and can't manage your time, hence your reliance on techs.

EDIT: By the way, respect is earned, not given. And I know this lifelong tech savannah is going to say that the techs don't show up to work because of me. They probably like working with me because they don't have to do anything for any of my patients. So they can sit on their phones and play candy crush some more. Techs are not professionals; there is no educational or licensure requirement for being a tech. I could probably grab some random person off the street and teach them to be a tech in about 2 hours. And wait for it, I surmise that within 1 or 2 posts savannah will chime in and tell me about my ego again because he/she can't be happy unless he/she gets the last word in.

How many patients do your techs have? If its like 12 or more patients the tech is really stretched way too thin and to an individual Nurse they are working with it will seem like they hardly see them and they are never anywhere to be found, yet this is a typical patient load for a tech unfortunately. A tech can only be in one place at one time, and it is common(in fact on day shift its almost constant) to have two or more different RNs wanting you to do something at the same time, especially at the beginning of the shift.

Most RNs that have never done this simply don't grasp this simple concept. It has nothing to do with lack of education. Half the techs where I work are RN students and already have far more education and training than an LPN. Some of the techs are at the very end of Nursing school, and its not like they are any less overloaded and stretched thin than any other tech, so your notion that an RN would be a supertech is kind of disproved by this fact. As I mentioned before some of the worst techs I've ever encountered were Nursing students who went on to be RNs.

Where I work if they are short on techs they will often call in an RN to be a tech all shift. Some of the younger RNs who used to be techs don't mind it but most of them hate doing it and its amusing taking report from them and finding out this or that wasn't done. One of the jobs of the night shift techs is to do some restocking and whenever it was an RN that was teching I ALWAYS hear sorry I didn't have time to restock anything.

See theirs (there is) the arrogance again. I've read enough of your posts to know your (you're) not a team player. And I love my job as (a) PCT and do hope I'm a lifelong tech. I'm doing exactly the job I want to do, I have no desire to be a nurse, my siblings are RN's and I have no desire to be one because I don't need the money or the responsibility (.) I'm financially well off enough to be satisfied with my current job or not work at all If I decide to. I do hope you learned a little from crossfitnurse ('s) post on how to be a great nurse. I'm betting she has the respect of all her coworkers. Your nasty comments back are not worth my time anymore, one can't change someone's arrogance such as yours until that person realizes they are not respected by their peers. I do hope you don't treat your patients like you do those who disagree with you. You don't belong in the RN category because you lack compassion for others and eventually you will lose that job if you don't become a team player. Oh and by the way, your (you're) to (too) funny you said I have to have the last word in, yet you are the one who can't drop it, (.) go back through the thread, anyone who disagreed with you, you turned ugly on them LOL. (TOS state no text/chat speak) By the way to show you I'm a lady, you are not worth me responding anymore because like I said egotistical people don't listen, they argue when disagreed with. I do wish you well, I just can't agree with your way of disrespecting others and say I think it's ok because it's not.

Well you seem to be delusional because you keep calling me egotistical, so I thought I'd illustrate to you what it might look like if someone were acting in an egotistical fashion. See above where I acted in an egotistical way and corrected your poor grammar and spelling. And I'm sure you're doing very well financially as a tech, keep up the good work.

How many patients do your techs have? If its like 12 or more patients the tech is really stretched way too thin and to an individual Nurse they are working with it will seem like they hardly see them and they are never anywhere to be found, yet this is a typical patient load for a tech unfortunately. A tech can only be in one place at one time, and it is common(in fact on day shift its almost constant) to have two or more different RNs wanting you to do something at the same time, especially at the beginning of the shift.

Most RNs that have never done this simply don't grasp this simple concept. It has nothing to do with lack of education. Half the techs where I work are RN students and already have far more education and training than an LPN. Some of the techs are at the very end of Nursing school, and its not like they are any less overloaded and stretched thin than any other tech, so your notion that an RN would be a supertech is kind of disproved by this fact. As I mentioned before some of the worst techs I've ever encountered were Nursing students who went on to be RNs.

Where I work if they are short on techs they will often call in an RN to be a tech all shift. Some of the younger RNs who used to be techs don't mind it but most of them hate doing it and its amusing taking report from them and finding out this or that wasn't done. One of the jobs of the night shift techs is to do some restocking and whenever it was an RN that was teching I ALWAYS hear sorry I didn't have time to restock anything.

I do agree with you, our techs have on average 12-16 patients each. And I totally understand that they might be getting asked to do things by several different RN's at the same time. I mean, the things is that if they feel overwhelmed by that assignment they either need to group together and advocate for change (adding an additional tech per shift) or, unfortunately, find a different job.

Let's just all take a lesson from this post: we don't wanna be "that nurse." (You know who I'm talkin' about here)

This thread truly hit home for me. I am less than a year away from graduating with my BSN and also work as a float PCT. Being a PCT is hard work. Since I am a float I go to units where there are so many turnovers and you encounter the nurses who belittle you and would rather be on their phone than help you. If there is anything I have learned about being a PCT, when I become an RN, is to treat them with respect. I don't thin it is a hard thing to do, but I do notice some nurses think they are much more superior to the techs. HOWEVER, this is not all RN's and not all units. I have been in units where the RN's truly help you and know you have 14 patients so they will do what they can do take some load off. Personally, if you have 14+ patients, as a tech, that is so stressful there should be at least 2 techs (depending on the unit).

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