Pay Rate E.R. tech


Could someone please give me an idea of how much an "E.R. tech" or "Patient Care tech" would make at a D.C. E.R. Thanks

IF NO ONE POSTS, CALL A HOSPITAL JOB LINE OR A HOSPITAL RECRUITER. THEY COULD HELP. I VISIT D.C. QUITE OFTEN, BUT I LIVE IN OKLAHOMA. I know when Iworked ER I would give my eye teeth for a good ER tech. Heck, I live in Oklahoma, I would give every other tooth to have a good ER tech!!!

Could someone please give me an idea of how much an "E.R. tech" or "Patient Care tech" would make at a D.C. E.R. Thanks

for comparison sake:

I work PT (20 hrs/wk) as a Patient Care Tech in a NJ inner-city ER (14 beds + 2 gyn/pelvic rooms + 8 subacute rooms) and make $10.39/hr (day).

I also work as a per diem cardiac monitor tech on a 32-bed telemetry/progressive care unit and make $13.97/hr (evening differential).

Though this an old post, I thought I'd reply anyway. I am starting next week as an ER Tech in a Level 2 trauma center. The base rate is $11.04, with a $1.06 differential after 2:30pm, and an additional $.50 on weekends. So, since I will be working nights, and every other weekend, I figure an average of about $12.25. Not getting rich by any means, but respectable for the position.

most hospitals start you as a cna, which is like 11.30, then if you are a tech, with the drawing blood and starting iv lines etc, you would be looking at $14

You can start Iv's as an ER tech??????

I realize that this is an old post, but I was wondering if anyone has information on what PCT salaries are like in the Philadelphia area, particularly the Main Line Hospitals. Thanks!!

Hi Ritz2010....I know I'm super late but I was wondering if you ever found out how much they paid the patient care techs at main line health??????

Hey all.

I am a medical assistant who is in the process of being hired for an ER tech position in a Phila hospital (interview went great, Shadow Day is tomorrow!) Anyways, when I found the position online it listed that the starting hourly wage for this position was $15.85 with the median being 17 something.

Hope this helps!

You can start Iv's as an ER tech??????

You sure as heck can! This surprised me too, when the interviewer disclosed this information in the interview. I thought you had to be a nurse to start IV's, but I guess it just depends on where you work.

Hey all.

I am a medical assistant who is in the process of being hired for an ER tech position in a Phila hospital (interview went great, Shadow Day is tomorrow!) Anyways, when I found the position online it listed that the starting hourly wage for this position was $15.85 with the median being 17 something.

Hope this helps!

Hi, I was wondering was it difficult for you to get hired at the hospital??? I have been a CMA for 2yrs now but I cant find anywhere thats hiring, I kept applying to Upenn and Jefferson and Mercy but it seems they only want MAs with experience, like how am I suppose to get experience if no one hires new grads....any info would be helpful...

Hi, I was wondering was it difficult for you to get hired at the hospital??? I have been a CMA for 2yrs now but I cant find anywhere thats hiring, I kept applying to Upenn and Jefferson and Mercy but it seems they only want MAs with experience, like how am I suppose to get experience if no one hires new grads....any info would be helpful...

I have heard that this position is somewhat competitive. However, I don't have much experience (besides LOTS of shadowing docs and medical mission trips) and was recently hired as an ED Tech. I have heard many hospitals hire nursing students. I myself, start an Accelerated BSN program at the medical center in San Antonio, TX this May. I also have a Bachelor in Science.

Any who, I would think that an ER Tech position may be a good place for you to start. Just let them know your serious and passionate you are. I put quite a bit of time into my resume, and I included a cover letter.


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