PAX Secrets Study Guide for NLN exam- ANY ONE IS INTERESTED



I am a student planning to take Pre RN( NLN Exam ) sooner.I went through this web

I found pax secrets study guide.Any one is interested in sharing the cost ?? If you already have it than pls let me know. I am interested in buying.

Thanks :nurse:


Is anybody interested in sharing PAX secrets study guide for NLN exam?

Seems like a waste of money.

You don't need that. Go to borders, buy the study guide, and study it. or review yourself over vocabulary, math, and science. If you are a borders member, they sometimes offer coupons up to 40% off. check it out.

I am interested in buying it. I saw it already. I plan on buying it Thursday. Reply to this if you are still interested in splitting the bill.

yup, i am interested spliting the cost


I am a student planning to take Pre RN( NLN Exam ) sooner.I went through this web

I found pax secrets study guide.Any one is interested in sharing the cost ?? If you already have it than pls let me know. I am interested in buying.

Thanks :nurse:


Is it helpful, I'm a bit doubtful, but I'm not doing as well as I want in my math practice studies. Systems of equations especially is driving me crazy.

I have not heard much positive feedback about this website's products. They basically have one generic product and they re-name it the NET exam study guide, NLN exam study guide, etc.

Good luck on the NLN! Make sure you get McDonald's book, too! (Check NLN study guides on Amazon to find her book.)

I do have McDonald's book. I was just thinking to buy this for practice. do u know anyone who bought this studyguide?

Hello! Pleaseeeeeeeee, just I would like to know if Rn Pax secrets really works, this is the second time that im going to take NLN. I need to get better that I did. I reviewed the mc donnal guide for couple months but the exam was totally different to the book, so that is why Im interested in pax secretes but I need to be sure that it really is good. THANNNNNNNNNNNNKKK UUUUUU ! :nurse:

The book you need to get is the RN Pre-Entrance Exam, third edition. You can buy it on for around $35. It is a great study guide. It has actual questions from previous tests so you know what to expect when you take the exam. Even better, the people who wrote the study guide also write the tests. Get it, it will totally help you. I'm taking my test on Monday. I've been studying for a month and hope I'm prepared. I guess we'll see.

hi, i tried typing that into amazon but there are so many titles that come up...which one is it exactly?

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