Passed on third attempt


I found out I passed my nclex RN this morning I graduated in December. I have been a LVN since 2007 i took the Hurst review it was convient so I would not have to take off work. The class was good but mainly content and I also did well on the q reviews which gave me false confidence I also did questions from Saunders that were also easier questions. I took the nclex and was a nervous wreck and was blown away the questions were straight forward but when I went to look for the answer it was not there I took all 265 questions i walked out defeated and i never wanted to take that test again and found out I failed two days later. Second attempt after getting myself together I brought the Kaplan q-bank these questions I found were more difficult than Saunders and Hurst questions. My second time testing the questions and the answers made sense once again I went to 265 questions again and found out I did not pass. Back to the drawing board I went I did not know where to go from this point . My cousin and my coworker mention taking the actual Kaplan class so I ended up taking it. I learned so much I made a 61% on my readiness test so I got off social media set me a schedule to study and I stuck to it I wrote down what I got wrong and also the things that I got right but did not fully understand and reviewed it later . Another thing I had really bad test anxiety both times so this time I waited last min to pay for my test and to register with the board I wanted to wait so I would not drive myself crazy over a date this gave me accountability and disipline. I received my ATT last Wednesday and took my test this Tuesday. This time I did not have anxiety I ended up going 265 questions again i was like not again I just prayed for god to be with me . today I found out I passed today I was in shock I even cried after seeing fail twice I could not believe I saw a pass. Best advice is to find out what your weakness is and work on it . failing made me evaluate everything in my life it helped me become a better person and better nurse.

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

Congratulations! You made it! You just have to believe you can do it and put in the hard work. Welcome to life post-NCLEX! It's good to be on this side, huh?

Yes it is finally I'm thankful

Congrats on a job well done. I am so proud of you.

Congrats on a job well done. I am so proud of you.

Thank you so much

if you are on facebook please kindly add me up okay.. [email protected]

if you are on facebook please kindly add me up okay.. [email protected]

I'm not on Facebook but I will email you !!

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