passed with 100 questions no new format

Nurses New Nurse


Did anyone take the nclex and pass with no math and no new format questions? I thought new format ques were a requirment to pass. I guess not. Now that I passed I'm afraid of working as an actual RN. I feel like I don't have enough experience.

Specializes in PICU, Peds Ambulatory, Peds LTC.


You are not the only one who is freaking out. I am still looking for a job.

You know what......? The hardest part ended. You passed the NCLEX.

Time to Party :balloons:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

You've gone to school, you've passed NCLEX. You have what it takes to be an RN. Of course you don't have enough experience, none of us did when we started. It's o.k. to be nervous and apprehensive, we all were. There were many times I felt downright inadequate. (There are days I feel that way today, been feeling that way lately with regard to my supervisory skills but that's another thread).

Plus the fact that you weren't asked the questions doesn't mean you don't know it?

Good luck!!!

Specializes in med/surg, oncology.

I didn't get any math or new format questions either. I was surprized because I expected them. Like the other poster said, it is okay to feel scared. I was so nervous my first day that I shook the first two hours of my shift. Now, two weeks later, I am starting to get comfortable, but I am second guessing every move I make. Experienced nurses tell me that I won't really get comfortable for about a year. Everyday is a learning experience for us. Let's consider ourselves blessed, we can call ourselves RN's!!!!


Congratulations. I did not get any calculations nor new format either and I passed with 129 questions. Goodluck with your RN license. I will start on the 26th on the Med Surg Pre Op and Post Op unit and I am scared, too.

[Thank you so much for giving me some encouraging words. I am so excited to finally be an RN. Oh yeah ..... NYC is the best city in the world and it's home for me too.

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

lauraj, congratulations!

Specializes in Acute rehab/geriatrics/cardiac rehab.


I Got 101 Questions, No Calculations And One New Format. I Was Surprised Too That There Were Not More New Format. But Just So You'll Know, They Are Still Testing The New Questions So They Are Just Trial Questions Right Now. That May Be Why You Didn't Get Any. Anyway, You, As Well As All Of Us Who Haved Passed Recently, Made It This Far. You Have What It Takes To Be A Rn.... I Worked As A Gn While I Studied For Boards And Things Started Coming Back To Me From Clinicals. Just Don't Forget To Tell Your Preceptors That You Are Still Learning. I Remind My Coworkers That All The Time, That Even Though I Am A Rn Now, There Are Still Things I Am A Nurse, I Don't Know Everything. But You Will Be Fine, So Don't Worry Yourself.

:balloons: congratulations! :balloons:

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