Passed NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello everyone!

I recently took my NCLEX RN exam for the first time and passed with 75 questions. I hope I did at least, according to the PVT trick. I wanted to share my experience because reading these always made me feel better.

I was intimidated at first because several of my classmates took theirs right after graduation. Which is fine, to each their own. I wanted to take mine when I felt prepared. You will never feel prepared but once you start getting more questions than right on a practice test, that's a good sign. At least that's how I took it. I really didn't keep up with scores that was a headache.

Materials I used: PDA, Hurst, Tons of Questions.

I read my Hurst packet over and over. Then when I felt confident I did questions until I wanted to puke! I would wake up at 8am only to be up and alert. Then I had breakfast and got into study mode. So from about 10 am- 10pm I was non-stop. Of course every now and then I would take a break. But you have to keep at it.

Weird thing is, I did not feel nervous leading up to the exam. But once I got to the testing center, my heart was racing.

I had 75 questions


3 Put in Order

3 Meds


4 Exhibit

No math

Rest where Priority, Delegation

When I came across a question I did not understand, I closed my eyes took a deep breath and re-read the question. The test is not hard. I was waiting for the difficult questions and actually felt horrible that I didn't seem scared. I know some people have mentioned where they had no idea what NCLEX was asking. But in my opinion its basic nursing.

If you completely have no idea of the answer then ask yourself:

what would a safe nurse do

if I could only do one thing for this patient

Also, have faith in yourself. I wrote my name,RN,BSN and hung it in my room to remind myself every morning of who I was. Pray if you believe in a higher power, I did.

The morning of my exam I did a few questions to get into study mode. Had lunch and drove to the testing center 1 hour early and they were nice enough to let me in. I just wanted to get the test over with.

Good luck everyone! Study hard it will pay off :)

What did you do on questions? Only Hurst or other's as well?

What did you do on questions? Only Hurst or other's as well?

I did questions from PDA: La Charity, Saunders Comprehensive yellow book, and only did 2 Q Reviews from Hurst (I was so tired of doing questions and did not want to do anymore)

Congrats on passing!!!

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