
I took my NCLEX about three weeks ago and wish to share my experience. I gave myself 30 days of studying, 5 days a week. I used three resources: Kaplan online questions Q Bank, Saunders online questions, and a study guide going around in this website. Five days out of the week I would try to aim for 300 questions per day. Sometimes I couldn't do all 300 and would at least try to do 100 questions. I also gave myself 2 days to relax and keep my mind off studying. This went on for 30 days until the big day came. I chose to take the 8:00am exam on a Monday. Three other students were taking the NCLEX RN that day. We wished each other good luck and I was the first to go into the testing center. I started my exam and before I knew it I was at 75 questions. I was confident I would soon be done but my exam kept going and going and going. The other people taking the NCLEX started leaving one by one. My anxiety sky rocketed and at some point I started rushing through my exam. I stopped myself, collected myself, took a deep breath, and continued at my own pace. Three hours later I was done at 265 questions! I walked out of there feeling horrible!! Worst feeling ever...As soon as I was home I checked the trick and got the good pop up window! I didn't believe it and paid for the unofficial results to find out that I did pass! I am now a nurse and landed a job.

I really believe that knowing your basics, your labs, your fundamentals, and common medications will greatly help. I don't think the NCLEX was "hard". Personally, it was tricky to me. I was not an A student throughout nursing school. I was that student that would barely make it by no matter how hard I studied. The Kaplan and Saunder questions greatly helped me and I would highly recommend it. I would do test mode type of questions to prepare me for the NCLEX. I would try to do as many SATA questions as well. I think anxiety plays a major role when taking the exam. Try to find ways to reduce your test anxiety. I also prayed and had to believe in myself. I would try to use my common sense with questions I wasn't sure of and didn't bother spending too much time with questions I didn't know. I did take breaks during the exam. I would advise you take them. I also ate a good breakfast and stayed hydrated. Although I tried to go to sleep early I couldn't. I mustve slept around 5 hours, but I was not tired at all. The day before the exam I didn't do anything. I just took it easy. After the exam, I kept myself busy and went to the movies and tried to relax. I would also suggest not to put off the exam. Try and take it as soon as possible. Everything is fresh in your mind. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. And trust the trick! I didn't but it does work!!

I hope this helps! And good luck to everyone who is about to test!

Congrats RN. "Hard work is what we have to pay for a meaningful happy life" Good luck in your career:up:

Specializes in Emergency Department.

First of all, congratulations! You passed and now you're a nurse!

There's only two things that I can think of that made you go the full 265. You were either randomly selected to do the full length exam or you were right on the bubble between pass and fail. If most of the questions didn't seem too difficult, it could have been the latter.

While I'm glad you passed, your strategy of not "spending too much time" on those questions you didn't know could have backfired. I think people should do their best on every question they get because for that moment, it's the only question that matters. Even if you have no clue about what the answer is, you might be able to reason your way through it.

Congrats RN!!!!!

Also, my Kaplan Class Review instructor told that people aren't randomly chosen to do 265. I'm not sure if that's true or not but I wouldn't put anything past the makers of this test!!!

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