Passed NCLEX with 69 questions


I took the NCLEX RN the first time on February 14th. I honestly didn't feel prepared and I got the whole entire test and failed. The first time I studied using the NCSBN review which was a big mistake. Since I failed I wanted to try a different review program. I purchased Uworld with 1 self assessment. I did about 100-150 questions each day. These questions were really hard but I studied all the rationals. Two days before I took my exam I did the self assessment. I felt like I was getting on the questions wrong but I ended up getting a 73% which meant I had a very high chance of passing NCLEX. Took the exam and computer shut off at 69. I felt much more relaxed and prepared after using World. I tried the Pearson due trick and it really doesn't work

I received my ATT on 4/7/20 went to schedule the exam the only date I saw was for 4/8/20. I freaked out but I took it not knowing when the next available date would be. I took it this morning, computer shut off at 101. I did the PVT trick and got the good pop up. I'm hoping I passed. I will probably not sleep tonight. The anxiety!

5 minutes ago, the_murse_factor said:

I received my ATT on 4/7/20 went to schedule the exam the only date I saw was for 4/8/20. I freaked out but I took it not knowing when the next available date would be. I took it this morning, computer shut off at 101. I did the PVT trick and got the good pop up. I'm hoping I passed. I will probably not sleep tonight. The anxiety!

WOW!!... did it seem easier this time. was it less SATA

did they provide mask or clorox wipes for the computer..

26 minutes ago, Astronomical 1 said:

WOW!... did it seem easier this time. was it less SATA

did they provide mask or clorox wipes for the computer..

They did not provide any mask. They make you go to the bathroom and wash your hands soon as you come in. They provide hand sanitizer. and they wipe the computers down after each use because I saw them do it when I left. and of course they can't fill up the test center because they make sure everyone is sitting six feet apart.

1 minute ago, the_murse_factor said:

They did not provide any mask. They make you go to the bathroom and wash your hands soon as you come in. They provide hand sanitizer. and they wipe the computers down after each use because I saw them do it when I left. and of course they can't fill up the test center because they make sure everyone is sitting six feet apart.

what about the test did it seem easier this time...? was it less Sata ? did you think other than the extra question being gone did it seem like they wanted you to pass because of corona

I'm retesting next wed.

btw did anyone make mention of the test being cancelled or them cancelling all the tests when you were there

2 minutes ago, Astronomical 1 said:

what about the test did it seem easier this time...? was it less Sata ? did you think other than the extra question being gone did it seem like they wanted you to pass because of corona

I'm retesting next wed.

btw did anyone make mention of the test being cancelled or them cancelling all the tests when you were there

Yes all test was canceled because they closed all the testing centers they just recently started opening them back the last week in march but from what I saw when I tried to schedule my test their is only two centers open in the state of florida right now.

As far as the test I didn't think it was easier. I didn't get any indication they lowered the passing standard. Still the same standard just less questions now to prove competency. As far as my exam their was still A LOT of sata questions. If I had to count I probably got between 15-20 at most it was 25 but they kept coming. I got A LOT of priority questions. Which pt would you see first, what would be the nurse best action, what would be the nurse first priority, etc. A lot of teaching/education questions. A few delegation. There was like 4 drag and drop, a few exhibit questions, two image questions and I received questions from all disciplines. peds, medsurg, psych, OB, and pharmacology. There was more pharmacology questions then I cared to have probably about 8-10. I remember when I took my LPN I only had one.

1 hour ago, alexandrajenkins said:

I also failed in February, I am supposed to take in again on May 1st. What are you doing differently this time around?

What did u study and what did u find hard

21 minutes ago, the_murse_factor said:

Yes all test was canceled because they closed all the testing centers they just recently started opening them back the last week in march but from what I saw when I tried to schedule my test their is only two centers open in the state of florida right now.

As far as the test I didn't think it was easier. I didn't get any indication they lowered the passing standard. Still the same standard just less questions now to prove competency. As far as my exam their was still A LOT of sata questions. If I had to count I probably got between 15-20 at most it was 25 but they kept coming. I got A LOT of priority questions. Which pt would you see first, what would be the nurse best action, what would be the nurse first priority, etc. A lot of teaching/education questions. A few delegation. There was like 4 drag and drop, a few exhibit questions, two image questions and I received questions from all disciplines. peds, medsurg, psych, OB, and pharmacology. There was more pharmacology questions then I cared to have probably about 8-10. I remember when I took my LPN I only had one.

when I took the NCLEX the first time I had 265 questions and 52 sata... I got screw-edd over cause I had like 20 in a row towards the end of the test..

thanks for telling me about the questions break down ... I was kind of thinking for each system they will ask at least 2-3 SATA for each category. I was figuring endocrine they are gonna ask sata for hyper/hypo thyroidism for example and a sata about kidney ,nero, pysch...

and yeah when I failed the first time the paper I got said I did real bad in pharm.. I'm gonna hammer that hard this weekend..

as far a priority .. I been doing lacharity book daily

I went through whole uworld bank and studied rationales do u think that will be sufficent. M more weak on OB portion of it tho

1 minute ago, Astronomical 1 said:

when I took the NCLEX the first time I had 265 questions and 52 sata... I got screw-edd over cause I had like 20 in a row towards the end of the test..

thanks for telling me about the questions break down ... I was kind of thinking for each system they will ask at least 2-3 SATA for each category. I was figuring endocrine they are gonna ask sata for hyper/hypo thyroidism for example and a sata about kidney ...

and yeah when I failed the first time the paper I got said I did real bad in pharm.. I'm gonna hammer that hard this weekend..

as far a priority .. I been doing lacharity book daily

Yea I honestly think its a crap shoot for NCLEX. Every single test is going to be different. For instance I didn't get any endocrine questions at all. Not one. When I took my LPN boards the last half of the test was sata at least 30 questions, shut off at 85 and was convinced I failed.

I feel as though you need to be mentally prepared for anything for the NCLEX. Don't go off any one person experience.

22 minutes ago, H to the R dizzle said:

What did u study and what did u find hard

I only used Uworld and now I feel like it was not worth it. I had 265 questions, a lot of SATA, my results said "Near passing." The questions were really plain and the multiple choices were even more plain. Just felt lost overall.

I used uworld also and it made me more comfortable taking the exam.. I mean it look just like it (95 pct) that I thought I was taking another quiz. I was so comfortable I didn't think I failed when it was over.

I almost didn't buy it again....I ended up buying uworld again.. I'm just hitting it harder with Hurst and making sure everyday I go back and look at rationales.. the first time I was like..oh OK and moved on.

I will say since priority is very heavy and scored higher the first thing I did was buy the lacharity book online through elseiver.. its a book of priority questions by system its like 300 pages and 20 chapters with 40 questions each.

I would get up at 630am and do a chapter and do one before I went to bed. by the time you get to chapter 7-10 your mind is in NCLEX mode . I'm almost finished with this book and I am so confident in priority that there is no question you can ask me priority wise that I cant answer. to be fair I miss per chapter but those will be answer that are like exception to the rule.or obscure stuff I never heard of

2 minutes ago, Astronomical 1 said:

I used uworld also and it made me more comfortable taking the exam.. I mean it look just like it (95 pct) that I thought I was taking another quiz. I was so comfortable I didn't think I failed when it was over.

I almost didn't buy it again....I ended up buying uworld again.. I'm just hitting it harder with Hurst and making sure everyday I go back and look at rationales.. the first time I was like..oh OK and moved on.

I will say since priority is very heavy and scored higher the first thing I did was buy the lacharity book online through elseiver.. its a book of priority questions by system its like 300 pages and 20 chapters with 40 questions each.

I would get up at 630am and do a chapter and do one before I went to bed. by the time you get to chapter 7-10 your mind is in NCLEX mode . I'm almost finished with this book and I am so confident in priority that there is no question you can ask me priority wise that I cant answer. to be fair I miss per chapter but those will be answer that are like exception to the rule.or obscure stuff I never heard of

So uworld wasn’t sufficent enough? Did u know everything from uworld? Did it help if not why

Just now, H to the R dizzle said:

So uworld wasn’t sufficent enough? Did u know everything from uworld? Did it help if not why

Isn’t priorty like airway breathing circulation then vitals

11 minutes ago, alexandrajenkins said:

I only used Uworld and now I feel like it was not worth it. I had 265 questions, a lot of SATA, my results said "Near passing." The questions were really plain and the multiple choices were even more plain. Just felt lost overall.

Was uworld harder or it didn’t cover content?

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