Published Aug 1, 2020
YappariKari, ASN, BSN
11 Posts
I took my NCLEX 07/30 with 130Q. I had 1 math and 23 SATAS!! I was very anxious after leaving the testing center because the NCLEX questions were very vague to me. I had gotten used to doing questions on UWorld. UWorld gives more details and clues where as NCLEX was more cut and dry. Hurst and Saunders definelty helped with content review! I studied for a solid 2 months and really focused in during the last 3 weeks!! After the exam I waited 5-6 hours before doing the PVT and got a "good" pop-up. I did it multiple times throughout the following day and got the same message. I just got my quick results this morning and I PASSED! I definitely recommend reviewing Saunders from front to back and utilizing the UWorld Qbank, their material goes hand in hand!
My study materials:-Saunders NCLEX Review-Hurst Review -UWorld Qbank + 2 Self Asessments-Mark Klimek
Scores:UWorld Qbank: 60.8%, 82th percentileUWorld 1st Self assessment: 70%,very high chance of passingUWorld 2d Self assessment: 58%, high chance of passing Hurst Readiness exam 1: 63/125Hurst Readiness exam 2: 80/125
18 Posts
WOW!! Congratulations!! =) May I know which state did you took the RN board exam?
In Maryland
Bonnie Grey, BSN
2 Posts
Same here! Before the NCLEX I assumed I would end up at 60 questions but I did keep doing until almost 130 questions, and became so worried about myself. 48 hours later, I checked quick result with nervousness and found out I passed! Thanks god!
Stevo40, LPN
83 Posts
On 8/21/2020 at 10:13 PM, BonnieZ said: Same here! Before the NCLEX I assumed I would end up at 60 questions but I did keep doing until almost 130 questions, and became so worried about myself. 48 hours later, I checked quick result with nervousness and found out I passed! Thanks god!
Congratulations ???
Nurse US
I wrote my NCLEX yesterday.
Had 20 SATA, 4 drag and drop, 1 dosage calculation. Lots of priorization and delegation, pharmacology, lab values, critical care and OB. The test shut off at 75 questions
tried the PVT and got the bad pop up. I am feeling so bad and anxious :’(